

  • I really liked Jack Nicholson's version of the Joker....till I saw The Dark Knight. Heath's interpretation is mindblowing. The best part is that its literally his take on the character. The director & scripter Christopher Nolan did not instruct Heath on how to portray Joker, He merely gave him two comic's one of which was…
  • You seem to be suffering from ****arounditis!****arounditis.html
  • Glad to see Martin's message about training getting out there!
  • Stop doing cardio to lose body fat, there is no correlation showing that fat loss increases with cardio. You simply need to manipulate your diet. Check out Martin Berkhan has 5.5% body fat & maintains that year round, naturally, while still being able to deadlift 600lbs for 4 reps. Also he does no…
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