

  • WOW, you have done a fabulous job. Keep going because you can certainly inspire.
  • Make sure you eat lots of steamed veggies. For snaks have small apples or strawberries. Also try almonds and they come cocoa roasted flavored too. Use turkey bacon instead of regular bacon. Use the egg beaters instead of real eggs and add veggies for flavor. Also snack on sugar free jello (from a box). Avoid anything with…
  • I got tired of being "fluffy". I don't use the words "fat" or "obese", they hurt. I think I just snapped; i drove to a nutritionist and in 11 weeks have lost 21 lbs. Because of the holiday, I am weighing in tomorrow morning.
  • I got tired of being "fluffy". I don't use the words "fat" or "obese", they hurt. I think I just snapped; i drove to a nutritionist and in 11 weeks have lost 21 lbs. Because of the holiday, I am weighing in tomorrow morning.
  • Hang in there. We all fall down. The next time he offers you subway, take the salad, no cheese, with dressing on side. Dip your fork and then stab your salad THEN EAT it. OR keep the sprintzer dressings handy (they are great). And try this too for breakfast, it's not bad at all. 1 cucumber peeled, 1 small lemon, 1 celery…
  • and for your coffee, use the refrigerated half & half.
  • I am using the almond milk. It has no lactose or soy and no sugar and it comes in as little as 40 calories per cup. Check it out, my nutritionist recommends it. They also make the unsweetened chocolate milk and you can use splenda or stavia to sweeten it. Keep in mind there are flavoring extracts you can use but you won't…
  • Try to do the 10 consecutive days. First few times you will be exhausted physically but mentally you will be relaxed and will sleep very well. I did the 10 classes for $20 and then used it when our company was paying for the classes. When my funds ran out, I had to stop cause I could not afford it. ENJOY every class you…
  • Try this tool. I asked my doctor for help and he gave a list of foods and portions that is used for diabetics. It was very helpful because I could build my own menus. It gives the servings for breakfast/lunch/dinner & 2 snacks and I created an excel sheet for the whole week. I would just write in what I ate each day. You…
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