haley0h Member


  • CW: 162.5 GW by NYE: 150 Height: 5'5" lets do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FUNNIEST THREAD I HAVE EVER READ ON HERE! you guys and gals are my kinda people!! hhahaahhahahah!!!! XD
  • amazing!!!!! we have about the same stats, you are so motivational! great job! i am at 166 right now, down from 187! go us!
  • OH and the shakes aren't just focused on protein, they have TONS of vitamins in it, and the way the powder is made, the protein is easily absorbable and is safe and you're not just putting a bunch of chemicals in your body. :)
  • I do Herbalife Protein shakes. and i LOVE THEM. So far i have lost 20.6 lbs and i am always full, have 1 to 2 protein shakes a day in place of meals, two snacks and 1 meal up to 600 cals. i aim for 95 g of protein a day, and some comes from the shake, but a lot of it comes from nuts, cheese, eggs, yogurt, chicken, fish,…
  • i am 20 years old and i have lost 20.6 lbs so far! right at the cut off for your requirements! lol!!! stay strong and keep up the gooooood work!
  • thats awesome you keep your diary open! i used to, until once someone who i didnt even interact with on here messaged me and told me i look like i have an eating disorder and harrassed me and told me to eat more because some days i was around 800 cals because i was very busy and i eat quite healthy foods. and i am…
  • feel sexy during "intimate" times and feel comfortable naked bikini having even more defined cheek bones and not feeling intimidated by good looking people, to be one of them! ;D
  • i am on 1225 cal a day and i am under it mostly. which i try and eat more but sometimes i just dont have time. it depends on what you eat, if you eat clean, or replace meals with shakes (which is what i do and that allows me to have one large meal a day 600 cals, and 2 snacks up to 125 cals a peice) and i stay relatively…
  • i have been doing herbalife (advanced program which includes 4 supplements and 2 shakes a day) for 5 1/2 weeks now and have lost 16 lbs. I LOVE IT! i am much more healthy, happy, energetic, and on the road to my goal weight! i actually WANT to work out, i dont need a million hours of sleep at night any more, and on my days…
  • THAT IS AMAZING! Especially with PCOS, you are incredible! I have had cysts rupture before but no diagnosis of PCOS. And last year i had a miscarriage at the end of september (coming up on a year now) and i became very depressed and then had another miscarriage in January. But now i have decided to get my act together and…
  • I am 5'5'' and my goal is to be 144 lbs. i started at 186.4. Now i am (hopefully) lower than 171(last week what i weighed). So i have a while to even get where you girls are at! But when i was very engulfed in my eating disorder in high school i looked very emaciated at 117 lbs, and then i got down to 103 lbs. it was not…
  • Thats amazing! I have dealt with major depression, self harm, and a very scary eating disorder since i was 13. now i am getting healthier and the right nutrients and support and counsiling i need and i am off all depression meds (still on anxiety meds tho) i am so happy to find someone else who has had success mentally…
  • Thank you!!!
  • soda is one hard thing to quit. i got a lot of headaches when i quit. and my bf would drink atleast a 12 pack a day of dr pepper. but he has been substituting about half gatorade or flavored water and that has been helping. little steps!
  • i think that is right on! i lost 9.2 lbs at my 3 week mark, and wed this week will be 4 weeks and we shall see hopefully i'll be over 10 lbs too! :) good job everyone!