

  • I dropped a couple of bucks for a basketball to go to a local park that I can walk to and shoot hoops, as well as go bowling in the evenings when the late night rate kicks on. I also got MapMyFitness, because for some reason the little maps it draws when I'm out walking seem to make it more of a game. One of the biggest…
  • Try a rebounder... Lots of research (including NASA) on their benefits to circulation and helping folks with fluid retention.
    in DOMS Comment by chrishengge June 2014
  • Take a look at Cliff Bar Builder Bars. Most places give you 10% or more off if you buy a whole box of a single flavor. They are pretty well balanced, taste pretty good, and pretty well filling.
  • Alexis - Whole Wheat Greek Pita Flat Bread (Crust) - 1 Whole Tillamook - Three Cheese Italian Blend - 56g (2 servings) Rustic Crust All Natural - Pizza Sauce, 3 oz Spice Hunters Garlic Herb blend to taste 13 Minutes on a baking sheet @ 375, using parchment paper to prevent stick and mess. Cut 4 ways (8 slices). 420…
  • Take a look at Cliff Builder Bars, 20 protein, and I believe they are pretty close to 40/30/30 @ 270 calories for the one I eat.
  • 69lb! I can't wait to get there myself! Next time you are in that sort of situation and need a pick me up, just remember that you earned each and every pound lost, and it takes so much from yourself to do that.. Look around you, if it were easy, everyone would be at the ideal weight. Also keep in mind that the life changes…
  • Hmm... I can't speak to all of the information below, but I've been researching various tools as well to help me track and improve (About to Start Tapout XT, just got here Wednesday!) I can tell you that most folks I've found sharing information seem to feel that heart rate monitors are the way to go if you are looking for…
  • Look into Tapout XT, or Rushfit?