Hobby Ideas (so I don't feel like I'm working out)?!

So someone on another forum suggested if I don't like the gym that I develop some sort of hobby that I do daily so I get exercise but don't realize I am getting exercise.

He rock climbs.

I have friends that play sports (but I don't do team stuff so that doesn't work).

Someone suggested jogging - that seems like I would know I was working out and it would suck.

What are some hobbies I could pickup where I would enjoy myself but not even realize I am getting my 30 minutes of activity a day and losing weight?

I was thinking disc golf? Maybe regular golf?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Take the dog for a walk (don't have a dog? borrow one! :tongue: )
    Ride a bike
    Explore all the parks in your area
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I did a an intro course in archery last year that was pretty fun. You could give scuba diving a go at a local pool maybe.

    Also in for ideas for a hobby..
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    I think you're the same person who said that you frequently go out with friends for drinks? Do you attend bars when you do this? I don't know about "current day" but there used to be a lot of bars that had co-ed softball and baseball teams...it was good PR for the bar, good exercise for the team, and good times, too. I was in one about *cough* 20 yrs ago *cough again* and I had an awesome time...lost some weight, etc...I only stopped because I moved. None of us had a clue what we were doing and had never played ball in our lives, but the point was, the exercise was good and it didn't feel like exercise. Lots of socializing in that environment, also. :smile:

    Granted, most of the games were only Fridays and Saturdays (sometimes Sunday afternoons), but...we had practice 3x a week...usually lasted an hour and we'd end up back at the bar who sponsored us.

    Then again, that might introduce another unwelcomed way to consume more alcohol...not sure...I don't drink except in winter. Or you could use that "bar time" as a time to schedule upcoming games and practices....more concentration on other things at the bar=less drinking? *shrug* I don't know.

    In any case...it was a really fun time and never did I have a moment of "ugh, this is exercise".
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Hiking and I would add tennis even though you said you are not into team sports. It is great workout that doesn't feel like work and you would just need one other person to play, or you can buy a bucket of balls and hit against the wall or practice different shots. Sometimes when I worked out at the gym I would take my Kindle to either read or watch Netflix movies while I rode the stationary bikes. It always helped my workout to pass by quicker.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Personally I've considered going for nature walks and taking a camera. So I say I'm going to look for interesting pictures but I'll get exercise too.

    Martial arts is another idea.
  • desidieter
    Basketball (even if you don't want to play with a team, just getting out to a court and shooting hoops on your own would be good exercise)
    Roller skating/blading
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    Disc Golf is my secret passion
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Gardening( join a local volunteer gardening group if you dont have your own space)

    DIY , climb ladders, squat under sinks etc.
    Do some woodwork,
    Learn to sew ( surprising amount of staning, bening)
    Volunteer to take elderly people out for a walk in wheelchair.
    Get a dog.
    Just try some new sports, unicycling is great for the core.
    Dancing is always good, and there are plenty of classes about.
    See what evening classes your local education centre has. There should be heaps there
    Ultimate frisbee.
    Urban golf,
    Roller derby
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I LOVE MARTIAL ARTS! Or something like kickboxing! So much fun and you don't even know you're working out. Could also take up some kinda dancing or try zumba!

    I also enjoy long nature walks with my camera. I don't currently have a bike but if you had a bicycle that would work too! There are usually a loooot of pretty views on nature and bike trails :) Double win.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Dancing (swing works for me! Sociable, but limited alcohol as will fall over my feet if I drink!)
    Roller derby
    Rock climbing
    Circus training
    Krav maga or other martial arts
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Gardening( join a local volunteer gardening group if you dont have your own space)

    DIY , climb ladders, squat under sinks etc.
    Do some woodwork,
    Learn to sew ( surprising amount of staning, bening)
    Volunteer to take elderly people out for a walk in wheelchair.
    Get a dog.
    Just try some new sports, unicycling is great for the core.
    Dancing is always good, and there are plenty of classes about.
    See what evening classes your local education centre has. There should be heaps there
    Ultimate frisbee.
    Urban golf,
    Roller derby

    Dancing, Parkour, Roller Derby??!!!

    Those could be awesome.

    Horseback riding
    Indoor rock climbing
    Ballet classes
    Kite Surfing (Looks flipping awesome!)
    Roller Skating
    Ice Skating
    Botanical Garden/Museum/Zoo Membership
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Using a kick-scooter? Geocaching? Belly Dance? Jump rope? Marching in place in front of the television?

    I'm considering the first - it's a lot easier to get started than bicycling, if one doesn't already have a bike. Cheaper, too! But - it's really only good for daylight hours, which may pose a problem as winter approaches.

    I don't do as much geocaching as I used to, and it's not exactly strenuous cardio exercise because it's just walking (if you don't drive up to the location!), but if you walk to the cache site, it's lapping everybody on the couch.

    And, because current research shows that positive reinforcement may work better than threats/guilt, there's also the possibility (depending on your financial situation) of a serious big-ticket reward for reaching a workout goal. Made it to the gym three times? You get a spectacular (non-food!) yet to be announced! Managed that 3 weeks in a row? A bigger, more spectacular yet to be announced.
  • ksolksol
    ksolksol Posts: 194 Member
    Roller blading
    Hula hooping
    Shooting hoops
  • chrishengge
    I dropped a couple of bucks for a basketball to go to a local park that I can walk to and shoot hoops, as well as go bowling in the evenings when the late night rate kicks on.

    I also got MapMyFitness, because for some reason the little maps it draws when I'm out walking seem to make it more of a game.

    One of the biggest things for me has been my perspective on my goals. To borrow a reference from RPG style games, I'm treating myself as a living game character, and the "points" I earn by doing activities are like leveling up. The end goal is to do like I've done for far too many years, and "min/max" my character stats. Reading nutrition labels became more like learning about how the best buffs in the game worked etc.. Several of us at work have been trying this with success.

    Gamification (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification) is an amazing strategy to get folks engaged into something, and there are tools out there for fitness that take that approach to help folks stay engaged.


    A couple of idea's for phone apps to help out:



    Superhero Workout (http://lifehacker.com/superhero-workout-turns-your-exercise-routine-into-a-st-1624460911)

    Zombies, Run! (http://lifehacker.com/5892625/zombies-run-turns-your-exercise-routine-into-a-game-of-survival)

    Hope that helps!
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I bike to work. I started going the most direct route (7 miles), but I found I enjoyed it so much that I found longer routes. Now I bike 30 miles a day. Lotsa calories burned without having to go to the gym.