

  • Hi there, We had the same issue with our dog we rescued. She would climb through vents, jump baby gates, she destroyed our couches and so on. She eventually grew out of it, although this took a long time, but kennel training was not a solution for her.LIke your dog, she is fine when we are around but being anxious and…
  • Those sound great! Do you have the nutritional information and how many pancakes it makes handy?!
  • On a baked potatoe! I was introduced to this is delicous and adds protein! :happy:
  • I went into goals located at the top and then changed it through there!! I think thats a good idea to change it around between a couple hundred calories a day that way you keep your body guessing!
  • Get a sunomuno (sp?) salad. Its rice noodles with a vinegar dressing. Very low fat and super tasty! I usually get shrimp in it. This is only 1 pt on weight watchers. I usually start with the salad then I get an appetizer of sashimi...very low in fat! Good luck!
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