clare_marie Member


  • SW: 196 CGW: 176 CW: 194.5 Total loss: -1.5lb pretty happy with that as it's been a hectic week so I know I've not been great.
  • Sorry for the delay been busy moving house which has put me back up to MFP sw. :-( Anyway, this is a fresh start, so here goes. SW: 196 lb Challenge GW: 176lb UGW: 140 lb
  • Hello! I'm Clare. I'm a mum to 2 girls (2 & 8 months). I turn 30 this weekend and after some yo-yoing recently and losing my motivation, I'm not at the weight I wanted to be for my 30th. So I'm having a fresh start after the weekend and would love to manage to lose 20lb by Christmas!
  • Still here too! Just don't have the time to update on everything all the time - as a newlywed whose been busy every weekend since the wedding have been spending my evenings with hubbie, internet-free. :-) I was doing so well earlier in the week but on weigh in, weight is still the same (which would be due to dinner and a…
  • I was feeling really positive at the end of last week and then the week arrived. I'm sorry for the tmi but it was that time of the month for me and all I want to do then is eat (sweet things!) and do nothing because I had quite bad cramps. So all in all, a rubbish week for me so I'm amazed that I managed to stay the same…
  • So my challenges for this week are going to be including some I couldn't do but also some I felt really good about managing. Exercise Challenges: One - 30mins of Wii Boxing, Rhythm one. After the punches, I'm thinking this will be good for me. Two - Reintroduce some cardio - 2 jogs this week. Three - Do 4 * 10 push ups -…
  • So the not feeling 100% last week turning into full on crap this week, so I couldn’t do any cardio, I could barely breathe through doing day-to-day stuff. When I feel rubbish I have less self-control, so the fact I stayed the same weight with all my snacking, I’m ok with. Exercise Challenges: I managed all of them, except…
  • I've had a really good week, I've not managed to complete all the challenges but I've been really impressed with myself for doing them. I'll update you all now as I'm off to a wedding today so won't be able to complete any more. Exercise Challenges: I've not been feeling 100% this week, so not been able to do cardio based…
  • I'm liking having the challenges and if it's something we are working towards - I love it! What's the worst that can happen?!
  • I can't promise that I'll succeed at all of these - but I'm going to give it a damn good go! Made a note of them all - and have added them to my diary - so here goes! Change of plan - I've stuck the challenges on the fridge so I can see them and I'll enjoy crossing them off when I've completed a challenge! :-)
  • Hello everyone! I've only just restarted mfp this morning but this is exactly the challenge I need I'm looking forward to it, so let me introduce myself. I'm Clare - I used mfp earlier this year in the run up to my wedding this summer - but with wedding, honeymoon, my birthday all crammed in, I've put the weight back on.…
  • I've had a bad week this week, with it being the Easter Holidays... But I was thinking I'd put weight on. So actually happy with what happened, and am back on track this morning! So hoping next week I'll get some weight off.. Starting Weight: 179 lb; 4 % Weight Loss Goal: - 7 lb (Sunday 1st April) Week 1: 179 lb; 0 % lost…
  • I'm using MiCoach at the moment. I'm really enjoying using it, helps being told when to change speed etc. It was free and once you have an account you can set up different programmes, so I've set up a 5k training schedule on there.
  • So here goes... Starting Weight: 179 lb; 4 % Weight Loss Goal: - 7 lb (Sunday 1st April) Week 1: xxx lb; x % lost (Monday 9th April) Week 2: xxx lb; x % lost (Monday 16th April) Week 3: xxx lb; x % lost (Monday 23rd April) Week 4: xxx lb; x % lost (Monday 30th April) Total Weight Lost: x lb; Total % Loss: x % (Monday 30th…
  • I'm up for this! :)