skimbrough28 Member


  • You also have to make sure your workouts increase in repetitions and weights. You cant do the same thing everyday at the same rep level and weight. your body loses fat due to the shock to your system..once it adjust to the adjust. Every few weeks (2/3) you should increase your reps by 5 and keep a little…
  • Not to have a Too Much Information (TMI) moment but.....It takes a while. Everybody's body is different. Years ago (unfortunately I backslid) I lost tons of weight but it seemed like it was overnight to others. However, I was working out everyday while I was away at college, walking to and from campus daily, and drinking…
  • I noticed the same thing and its very frustrating because I don't even buy things like bread, potatoes,corn, or pop anymore. So, if I have something from those categories while I'm out of my house and within my calorie intake, I feel normal as long as I'm tracking. NOT SO! I drank my first pop in over a month and a half at…
  • Don't give up...lets be honest for a moment. The truth of the matter is, it didn't take a month to put the weight on, so its not going to take a month to get if off. I have to remind myself of that many times. I understand your frustration, but you'll be angrier at yourself if you give up, gain more weight, and then this…
  • Last year, my mom and I did Zumba every Tuesday for about three months with at one of those Bootcamp locations in Chicago. I didn't change my eating habits, just committed myself to Zumba every Tuesday. The first month my weight didn't change but it also didn't increase. by the time my mom and I mastered the routine and…
  • I have a weight watchers scale that I bought from Bed Bath and Beyond and I'm addicted to it. It gives you your weight and ounces. It helps me watch when I'm gaining . It's actually been a good tool in helping me identify which foods I should stay away from. I weight myself at least three times a day (after each meal) and…
  • A good sports bra...Jcpenny, Kholes, Taget have some good ones.
  • I have severe PCOS and in all my years of trying to lose weight and get help the doctor who was able to explain the condition the most is a fertility specialist. Women with PCOS have hormone imbalance and produce testosterone more than other women. Due to this, it is difficult for us to control and maintain our weight and…
  • Last year, my mom and I lost two pounds a week on Zumba alone, its a great way to be active.
    in ZUMBA Comment by skimbrough28 July 2012
  • Whats the full title of the dvd?
  • I stopped soda a few weeks ago.....only water or crystal light.
  • People who are married want to be single and people who are single want to be attached or married. I'm divorced, and take it from, and people out here are all different ....the grass really isn't greener on this side...appreciate what you have....cause this out here is nothing to look forward to.
  • I bought about eight of those dvds from target and haven't watched any of them because shortly after someone gave me Zumba.
  • I stopped WW recently, when my work hours increased, it became impossible to make the meetings on time. Then I started to feel like I was paying for support when I knew enough people trying to lose weight and figured we could still be supportive to each other without paying someone a monthly fee. I keep my WW food books,…
  • I love Zumba videos for working out
  • I think we call it a turnip:)
  • Add me to that list
  • I had some of the same issues you are dealing with in a previous relationship. I believe the best thing would be for you to seek some type of counseling for your miscarriage which affects how you feel about yourself as a woman, prospective mother,etc. Many states have free counseling agencies or places that just take…
  • Yes, its a lifestyle change and sometimes people are being nice and other times they are just challenging you to see if you mean what you say about changing. The best thing to do is to know what you can eat when you go out. I have a food calculator app on my phone and it helps. Also, just picking something healthy on the…