SHenn84 Member


  • I do hate push ups too, but they really are a good workout! I use to have to do 500 of them a night (not all at one time - over a 2 hours) when my dh and I were training kickboxing. =(
  • She drives me nuts. I now turn the volume down and crank up Pandora. It makes the workout go so much faster. I am so tired and don't feel like working out today, but I will push myself later.
  • Good Luck! We're all here to support each other, so hopefully we can all get back on track with our weight! :smile: Suzie
  • My knees have been hurting me too. I think I'm going to take glucosamine to see if it helps.
  • I'm at 1400/day but I am not bf. Just try to watch your calories and see how your bf goes. just keep a log so you know calories and food you take in everyday. that way if your supply drops you can make adjustments right away.
  • You could try a whole grain waffle, English muffin or toast and fruit for breakfast. I usually have oatmeal with milk instead of water (I think it tastes a lot better) and a piece of fruit. For lunch I usually have a chobani yogurt and a piece of fruit, or I will make whole wheat pasta with spinach, chicken, and a little…
  • Hey Ladies!! I actually started the 30 day shred on Monday. I didn't know there was going to be a group for it, so I'll tell you about my experience so far. I'm on day 6 and it's been really challenging, but it's getting easier!!! Some advice, your legs are probably going to kill you (mine were day 2 and 3) I know this…