

  • SW: (Starting weight) 145 CW: (Current weight) 145 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 140 Weigh in Dates: 4/1 145 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: For the month: hoping to hit my goal of working out for at least an hour 5 days/week
  • I've been eating all my meals with chopsticks lately. I find it really slows me down!
  • I make my own salad dressing (and my son loves it): equal parts olive oil and a good balsamic vinegar. Add some Dijon mustard, fresh ground pepper and sea salt. I use about a tablespoon per two cups of organic baby greens. A friend of mine in weight watchers told me you don't put dressing all over the salad. WW has you put…