

  • That's really helpful, Crochet! Thank you! Great job on the 18 pounds! I really was a carboholic, so it's no wonder it came to this, but I have to say how ironic it is that when I was losing maternity pounds a struggling a little 21 years ago, I joined a weight loss organization that believed in hi carb, lo fat. ("go…
  • Does anyone with T2 D have high fasting blood counts? I seem to have that... my highest GLU counts tend to be when I wake up in the morning before breakfast. That seems counterintuitive to me. Should be lowest, I would think. So I'm wondering about other ppls experience with waking glucose counts. Are yours lowest, middle…
  • Hi! So glad you agree. I'm so happy that finding out about MFP coincided with my diagnosis, which occurred about 3 weeks ago. MFP took away all the panic. And being able to use the function to track anything of your choice, I can now track my blood levels too, which helps correlate response to food intake so much easier!…
  • Thank you for your reply. I'm very interested to take a look at your links. I see there is a rather wide discrepancy in advice on carbs so it's clear there isn't one perfect answer and I'll have to aim low and judge by my blood counts. Because MFP allows us to alter our Goals, I've lowered the carb limit to reflect my…
  • Thank you! Very helpful. I do have that sense of low vs. high glycemic carbs, tho not as clear about it when it comes to fruit. I adore fruit, and now realize I ate way too much of it leading up to pre and now "post" diabetes. So I've cut way back and pick and choose carefully for a variety of nutrients. Your color code on…
  • I was diagnosed w/ Type ll diabetes a few weeks ago. AIC was 7 so at low end. Started MFP and have improved my eating tremendously as a result, and am starting to lose weight. i'm not on meds at this point and if i can control it thru diet/exercise, I may not have to be. I'm wondering though, how do other Type ll's spread…
  • Hi. I'm not Justin, but the way I believe it works is that the 20?? calories you can eat a day to loose your 2 pounds is if you don't exercise. If you do exercise, MFP adjusts for that, and you can now eat those calories you burned off in exercise and still loose the 2 pounds. If you stick just to the 20?? AND do exercise,…
  • I have similar questions about strength training & calorie counts. I use 1 or 2 pound weights when I walk and do arm exercises. How many calories does that burn beyond the walking? It would be nice to have light calorie counts on doing light weight lifting in the database..