

  • I would say change it whenever you damn well feel like it. As far as the nutrition goals, I agree to calculate them as "female" until you've been doing HRT for a while. As for the specific length of time, I'm not sure. Maybe a month? My appetite skyrocketed pretty quickly after starting HRT, so I assume your body will let…
  • If you ask me, I'd say my eyes. They also happen to be the only feature I'm genuinely proud of having. But I think the real answer is my facial piercings, and probably my hair now in the long curly hawk I have it in.
  • Nothing unexpected has happened since starting testosterone. I gained an abominable appetite, which was good because I need to gain. I put on more weight and gain muscle more easily, obviously. The only notable thing to say is I haven't noticed any particularly significant change on my metabolism. It's not slower or…
  • I've always been underweight and small, for a plethora of reasons. I was born premature, I was never taught healthy eating, I lived in a stressful environment as a kid with no real security... In high school, I always ended up wearing very large and aggressive clothes, inevitably to hide my chest and to push against the…