slenderwillow Member


  • I go thru the same thing...I'm fine for awhile then will have days where no matter how much I eat I never seem to feel full. Days like that I try to eat more foods with a high amount of fiber and protein to try to beat it. If my schedule that day allows I'll eat small, low cal snacks thru out the day instead of big meals.…
  • Hi Kate, and welcome to MFP! I think this site is great for keeping track of progress (even tho my own progress has been limited so far). Congratulations on your previous weight loss! :-) I hope you'll find MFP useful in achieving your goals, and if you need a friend I'd be happy to share motivation and support. :-) Have a…
  • Finally - someone else as good with excuses as I am! ;-) I have the same ambivalence when I look in the mirror.....sometimes I think I'm beautiful and other times I can't stand what I see. I too have the same reaction to stress, but my desk job doesn't allow me to exercise while there. My job is very mentally and…
  • I've been bellydancing for almost 4 years - it's a great way to lose weight and feel good about yourself. There's two shimmies, one for hips and one for shoulders. Neither by itself will burn many calories, but if you do a full workout (DVD, class, etc.) it can be a moderate-level sort of workout. I find I probably burn…
  • Hi, I just joined today! I can totally relate to the sweet tooth problem.....having several of them myself. ;-) I'm hoping to lose 40-50 lbs but we'll see how it goes. I'm digging the site so far and figured that since I fall off the wagon so often, maybe I should reach out to some others for support. Good luck in reaching…