

  • My hubby's from da U.P., he's a yooper, I'm a troll. ;)
  • Beautiful area!
  • I am so jealous! I LOVE Mackinaw Island and would LOVE to live there...during the summer at least. :)
  • I weigh myself every day or at least every other day, but I only record it here if I dropped at least 1 lb. I would be so disappointed if I waited all week, working hard to not go over my calories, thinking I was doing really good and anxious to see my reward of the scale number registering lower than it was, only to find…
  • I've lost over 35 lbs in 3.5 months (which is about 2.5 lbs./week) by counting calories (trying to stick to between 1200-1400/day), cutting out sugary drinks that waste valuable calories with zero nutrition, cutting back on portion sizes and limiting sweets, as well as some exercising. I also eat foods that are low or no…
  • I think it is normal, I get moody when I'm hot and tired too. But it's really not a good idea to be out for long in extreme heat because you could suffer from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Taking a cool shower as soon as you get home (someone else mentioned this) is a good idea. There are a few other things you could try…
  • As a former Christian, I like which has a lot of good articles, testimonials, videos, podcasts, etc. PS, I'll be checking out your suggestion too at
  • Oh I understand what you're saying now, yes it's nice to escape all the God nonsense when we're watching television or movies. Religion itself is insulting to our common sense and intelligence because it expects us to accept,, without any evidence, absurd claims that go against science and reality as we know it. I just…
  • I really don't consider comparisons between tales of fake super power hero's insulting at all. Would you find it insulting if I were to find comparisons between Thor, Batman, Harry Potter or Peter Pan and the Wizard of Oz too? But I did want to add that just as the Wizard did not grant the wishes of the group through any…
  • I carry my weight mostly in my belly, butt, thighs, hips.
  • Hi, I'm 55 and want to lose 30 lbs.
  • That's so true, I've tried to explain that to people too, but they insist it's a conscious choice we make to believe or not. They don't understand that a person cannot just force themselves to believe something that goes against logic and reason. Christians say "listen with your heart", but I think what they mean is "put…
  • I went through a rough time during my deconversion as most ex believers do, where I had to reassess what meaning my life had now that I had accepted that there was most likely nothing after this life. It was difficult to even imagine after having believed for so long that life went on eternally after death, in either…