

  • several breakfast burritos made by honest-to-god hispanic people. if the burritos aren't coming from southern california i don't want them. :/
  • somebody call the cops on these maniacs before talking about it just doesn't cut it anymore and they move on to ACTUALLY kidnapping ACTUAL children.
  • can i say wizard? no? jedi? i like the field i'm in now; i'm a defense contractor. i'd do this for the rest of my life. i would like to be more of a consultant than an 8-5 type of guy tho.
  • i've heard more than once that lifting heavy in the morning can be a bad idea because the discs between your vertebrae are full of fluid from being horizontal all night i don't honestly know enough about how the spine works to know whether that's true or not; i've never had a problem on the rare occasion that i lift in the…
  • you're not going to build huge muscles i know nobody on the internet is going to convince you of that but you're not going to build huge muscles
  • cloud atlas, by david mitchell, and an engineering textbook about fourth-generation cellular networks and ip convergence :o
  • oh. well if i ever need to link an image i was prolly just gonna upload it to my geocities page. you can prolly find it in lycos or askjeeves. oh god you guys are gonna love the tiled .gif i set as the background on the main page. i still can't get my frames working tho. :(
  • i will look past a lot of flaws for eyes that stand out. i can't say why some do and some don't tho. it's something i can recognize but not something i can explain.
  • i have literally been winging-it my entire life. the whole thing. all of it.
  • photobucket is still around?
  • i go off of intuition for the most part when i'm trying to figure out if somebody's smart or not; it's just something you can hear when they talk, you know? maybe? iunno, it might just be me. anyway, it's pretty much a deal-breaker if it seems to me like a girl is smart and she's deliberately acting dumber than she really…
  • if by cardio you mean long, slow, distance running, mostly not. and they prolly wouldn't fare well in distance events. but that's more because, like you said, they're as big as they are. if you want to compete in strongman you would still have to do very hard conditioning. it's not a one-off strength test like powerlifting.
  • no i've actually reached all my goals. :laugh: i guess i should have put a caveat with what i said - "don't be an idiot." training for a marathon and preparing for a bodybuilding show at the same time prolly won't work. doing conditioning work, even several hours a week, will not hold you back from getting bigger or…
  • well, okay. but all the girls are gonna call me "shoulder-pads" behind my back. i can't help my bone structure! women can be so cruel sometimes. :(
  • wait if i'm vain i'm supposed to have a picture of me in a bikini? am i doing this wrong? oh god.
  • this was great...i feel like i should feel bad for thinking it's so funny.
  • you can honestly do however much cardio you want so long as you eat to support your activity levels. there's going to be an impact in terms of how strong you may feel in the gym, e.g., running hills kills lower body days for me, but it's just something your body has to grow accustomed to.
  • basically this. there are also certain supplements you can take, like yohimbine hcl, that should help out a little by basically increasing blood flow to the area or targeting specific receptors iirc, but it prolly won't make a huge difference.
    in Belly fat Comment by warnott July 2012
  • anytime i've really started running i get shin splints - i'm a pretty all-or-nothing sort of person, so i either don't run at all or run too much without building up to it. you have to look at the variables you can control when it comes to adding to what you're already doing - volume (distance), frequency (how often), and…
  • this answer might be sort of an outlier but when i do swings for an hour or so if i'm really pushing it (~1000 swings) my hrm estimates it at about 1000 calories. so for me, doing swings with a 24kg kettlebell comes out to about 1 calorie/swing. i'm not sure how accurate the hrm really is tho.