

  • Thanks everyone, least I feel like I'm not the only one with this problem I will try eating a little controlled ammount more and drinkng more water xx
  • sorry it's british speak it's 28lb in England 14lb is a stone :blushing: I've got quite straight up and down hips and thighs but I've got a big jelly belly and chubby inner thighs and a bit of top of my arm fat and my face has chubbed out so much, hate seeing rolls when I'm sat down :frown:
  • thanks for the invite to the group, My daughter is 20months old now and I'm struggling to shift the baby belly podge, I gained 26lb when I was pregnant with her and she was 9lb 2oz when she was born, having lost most of that baby weight naturally after having her I still have a saggy belly and have realised actually I was…
  • well done you! I only joined monday and I invested in a wii fit which I've been doing 30mins on a day as I really struggle to be bothered to go out by the time my 20mth old daughter is in bed, I have been trying to get out with her more walking places too but the wintery weather puts me off. I think sometimes you just have…
  • well done you! I only joined monday and I invested in a wii fit which I've been doing 30mins on a day as I really struggle to be bothered to go out by the time my 20mth old daughter is in bed, I have been trying to get out with her more walking places too but the wintery weather puts me off. I think sometimes you just have…
  • Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods