PMS and appetite increases?

Hey all just wondering if anyone else experiences a massive hike in increase of appetite around their period?

Do you need more calories around this time or should I ignore it? xx


  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I just went through this a few days ago. I was starving. I tried to hold off as long as I could and stick to my calories. But last night I did indulge a little but I just worked out more to make up for it.
  • Katy213
    I don't know if my appetite increases, but I do get sweet cravings!! I try my best to ignore them but can't always!! :ohwell:
  • doggiemomma
    Oh honey. I can not under any circumstance get enough to eat during TOM. I drink water, work out extra, do everything, but no matter what I do, I finally just have to go to bed and sleep it off. Everyone says, you will eat more when you wake up. NOPE. The day after, I feel like a horribly stuffed sick pig and cannot even look at food. I usually have to force myself to get food down the next day but I do make my calories. I am totally with you.
  • elizabethp82
    elizabethp82 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh my goodness, I had forgotten all about it. I had a baby 9 months ago and have been nursing, so I just had my first period in over a year. I had completely forgotten how bad the cravings/appetite increase gets...I gave in to every urge my body had, but once my period was over, I ended up losing a pound! So don't beat yourself up about it if you indulge. :)
  • treetz1979
    treetz1979 Posts: 108 Member
    YES - my appetite increases and, so I am not even more cranky and then spontaneously binge, I usually give myself a little extra. Surprisingly, I found that little hard candies during this time helps - if I already have something in my mouth, I don't tend to add anything else - LOL!

    But I do stick to exercising and just complain my way through it. Also, I retain water during this time and, so I don't get PO'd I usually don't weigh myself....if I can resist :-)
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    My appetite increases for grains/breads. Sometimes so strong that I have to give in. I'm thinking we DO need more calories during this time, but I'm unaware of how much more.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I just went through this last week and alot of persons on here advise was to drink alot of water and to eat a bit of extra calories...and let me tell you it worked....

    Everytime I felt hungry I drank water.....instead of sticking to 1200 calories I added an extra 200 and I found not only did I handle the cravings better but my cramps and bloating were severely reduced and I was actually able to workout every day...

    and at the end of the week I didnt gain any water weight which is a miracle for me
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    I was once told to increase my dairy intake. I started eating low sodium cheese sticks/string cheese (I had at least 4 per day), light yougurt (I had at least 2 cups of vanilla per day, and added blueberries) and milk (I had a glass of low fat chocolate milk in the morning and afternoon). I now drink the Silk Light chocolate milk, which is only 90 calories per cup and helps with my sweet tooth. I have also discovered that the sugar free jellow cups that are only 10 calories and the Jello Mousse Temptations (60 cals) are super for my sweet tooth cravings.

    I hope this helps!!!
  • marissasmummy
    Thanks everyone, least I feel like I'm not the only one with this problem I will try eating a little controlled ammount more and drinkng more water xx