I'm an American (Texas) currently living in Perth eating Lite N Easy. Americans really don't understand the cost of things unless they have actually lived here. Food can be quite expensive. I think Lite N Easy is reasonably priced. I decided to try Lite N Easy about 5 months ago after a friend recommended it to me. I love…
Done!! Yay!!!
110 Done!
Done!! Woohoo!
My 90 squats are done! Have a great week everyone!!!
75 done!!!
50 done!!
I got my squats completed!!! Happy July 4th everyone!!!
Completed my 70!
60 done! I also broke them down into three sets of 20 with a one minute rest.
I did my 50...two sets of 25 with a minute break in between.
Hello everyone! I'm Cheryl. I am 49 years old. I currently live in Perth, Australia but I'm a Texas gal. My next goal is to lose 10 more pounds by my 50th birthday in October...more would be great but this is just my next goal. I'm excited for this challenge!
I want to purchase one so I'm interested in what others think.
I would like to join if there's is room.