Day 9, July 9th, 100 squats!!!! CHECK IN



  • Laurenmp16
    Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
    100 completed before and after some JM yoga meltdown and I am going to owe my knees an apology. They were hurting going up the steps to work today. Glad I got them in early so hopefully they'll get all the rest they need and be ready for tomorrow! Great work everyone!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    100 today. 50 normal and 50 sumo, cause those sumos give me that nice inner thigh burn. Plus some odd amount during Jillian's Cardio Kickbox (I think about 60 during kickbox? Meh.) but I don't count them as my challenge ones so i guess it doesn't really matter.
  • jcjanes
    jcjanes Posts: 31 Member
    100 done! I did 5 sets of 20. I'm feeling pretty great...and exhausted :tongue: It's definitely worth it, though!
  • Hi fellow squatters :smile:

    Picture this: There I was working it in the middle of my living room, focusing on my form, back straight, shoulders back, chin up, eyes forward when my line of sight suddenly copped cobwebs hanging around my central light fitting. I was at 30 squats and all I could think of was "wow, must dust that down"! So I completed 50 squats then just had to get my small step ladder to dust the light fitment (actually ended up dusting 3 light fitments). Then I got back to working it with the remaining 50 squats.

    So, not only did I get the 100 squats done but I now have dust free light fittings. Talk about multi tasking :happy:

    Currently enjoying some gorgeous weather here in Munich. Hope others have a beautiful day too.

    Thanks for the LOL!!! 100 squats done at the gym with and without weights. I LOVE SQUATS now. They hardly hurt, just feel good :)
  • 100 squats done. I missed yesterday so I'm just going to have to catch up on our next rest day. Getting them in with a sick kid and 13 hour work days is proving to be a challenge in and of itself. The squats aren't as hard as finding the time.
  • wylnora
    wylnora Posts: 66 Member
    100 squats, done!
  • Cindymop
    Cindymop Posts: 27 Member
    My 100 are done! Great job everyone!
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    100 squats done!

    i did 4 sets of 25 throughout my day.
  • cathyg321
    cathyg321 Posts: 155 Member
    100 done - 4 sets of 25
  • sadrac4683
    sadrac4683 Posts: 80 Member
    100 squats done
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Done in 3 sets of 25, then 10, and the last 15 were done with a 20lb kettle ball. Woo Hoo!
  • jahzbuttafly
    jahzbuttafly Posts: 173 Member
    Heeeellllllooooooo Squatters!!!!

    Didn't get to do my squats this morning:ohwell: So after I did my Week 7 running intervals (jog 15/walk 5; jog 10/walk 3) without stopping mind you, I came in and knocked out 104 squats in 5 sets!!! Yay!!!

    Now I am headed to bed...Good night squatters and may all your dreams be filled with "perfect form squats!"
  • dlanoux
    dlanoux Posts: 112 Member
    Got my 100 done! :) These squats might hurt, and they may not be my favorite thing to do, but I do LIKE what I saw when I measured today! :)
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    finished my second set of 50 but changed the positions of my feet this time.. HOLY BURN!!!!! feeling good and kinda like wet noodles haha
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    100 done!
    I'm so impressed with how far I've come since day 1!
    Keep it up!
  • pwcarswell
    pwcarswell Posts: 15 Member
    Done!! Woohoo!