sopranomama Member


  • Hi ladies! Congrats to you all! Name, Age: Kristy, 34 Due Date: July 13 About me: Right now I'm a SAHM to a 2.5 year old boy, but I was a music teacher before we moved for my husband's job. This will probably be our last child, and I definitely want to go back to work once the kids are old enough to start school. Fitness…
  • This makes four 250-calorie servings. Don't let the weird color throw you off - it's super sweet and really tasty. :) 1 cup Water 13.50 fluid ounces full-fat Coconut Milk, Canned 4 cups Whole Strawberries, Frozen 8 cups chopped Baby Kale 2 cups Ice
  • I'm 5'5", but maybe that's close enough? You can see my progress pics in my profile photo... Down 56 lbs and went from a VERY tight 16 to a size 8 dress. As for advice, you have to find the things that work for you. Here's what worked for me: 1. Log in to MFP EVERY DAY. Make yourself accountable. 2. I make a lot of…
  • First of all, congrats on getting back into running! :) Second, run at your own pace, honey, and don't listen to that guy for one second! I started running last August, and back then I was struggling to run in thirty-second intervals at a 15:00/mile pace. I was really self-conscious about my speed, but I figured I had to…
  • I think you've got the right idea. I weigh daily (it's just my thing, I like seeing all of those data points create a larger trend) and I have always noticed that shortly before my period begins my weight will spike - sometimes up to three pounds! I believe it's mostly water weight since I always feel bloated around that…
  • Today I ran a mile and a half in 16 minutes - last August I couldn't even run 30 seconds! Woo hoo!
  • 34 with a 21-month-old son checking in here! Would love to connect with some other 30-something mamas. :)
  • My husband and I are on Block 3, Week 3! We LOVE this program. We've both lost 17 pounds since the first day. :)
  • These are awesome! Mamarundrc, I covet your 3-mile pace! I really want to become a runner - I started a "couch to one mile" program in the fall and completed it, but realized I needed to lose some more weight before my shins and knees got any more inflamed. But as soon as I finish the third block of P90x3, I'm going to…
  • Oh, and MrsG31, congrats on people noticing that you're losing weight! I bet that feels good. :)
  • I think NSVs can be any kind of victory - even if the results aren't yet apparent. Actually logging your food, even if you're over your calorie goal? NSV - especially if you struggle with food accountability! Getting through a workout on a day you'd rather skip? NSV! Continuing to make healthy choices even if the scale…
  • I've only been doing primal since the beginning of January, so I know it's probably premature to post a "success story". But for me, the biggest victory has been the fact that I haven't binged on sugar and carbs - I haven't even WANTED to - since I started. It was not unusual for me to eat entire boxes of spaghetti or…
  • So, another update - 1. Still working on Block 2 of P90X3 - this has been a really challenging block! Triometrics is a total killer. 2. Now I can do TEN full-extension push-ups without stopping! :D 3. Walk 30 minutes at least 3 times per week - didn't do so well with this due to the snow this week. The roads and sidewalks…
  • So far... 1. In progress! Just finished Block 2 Week 1. 2. CHECK! :):):) 3. Check! 4. Mostly... I haven't stayed primal, but I've been under my calorie goal all week. Which brings us to: 5. BOOOOOOOO.... After FINALLY getting into the 180s, the scale went right back up and I've been hovering at 190-191 for the last few…
  • Hi! Height: 5'5.5'' HW: 233 (while pregnant with my 11-pound son :P) SW on MFP: 204 CW: 190.4 GW: 135 It's going to be a long road, but I'm up for it!
  • Me too! :) February goals: 1. Finish Block 2 of P90X3 2. Do at least 5 full-extension push-ups in a row instead of dropping to my knees 3. Walk 30 minutes at least 3 times per week 4. Continue eat primal/paleo and stay under calorie goal 5. Reach pre-pregnancy weight of 185 lbs (only 5.4 pounds to go!!!)
  • 33 years old, mom of one, about 55 pounds to go. Add me! :)
  • Hi there! My husband and I also just started doing paleo (well, more primal, since we use some organic milk and butter) at the beginning of January, and we're loving it so far too! I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • My husband and I just started doing once-a-month freezer cooking in October, and we LOVE it! Since most of our meals are home-cooked now, I can enter all of the recipes into MFP and it makes logging my calories so, so easy. We paid for a membership with the Once A Month Meals website, but there are tons of menus and…
  • Hey ladies, I'm in the same boat as the rest of you - about 40 pounds overweight before I got pregnant with my son, and still have 15 post-baby pounds to lose for a grand total of 55 pounds between me and my goal. I've really committed to MFP since the beginning of the month and I would love to add some friends!
  • Hi Ladies! I'm an almost-34-year-old mom of a fantastic 18-month-old boy, and I've got some major work to do this year. I gained 48 pounds with my pregnancy, lost 33 of those pounds shortly after my son was born, and have been hanging onto the last 15 ever since. My husband and I are starting to think about trying for #2,…