This is awesome! GrEaT JoB! Nothing can compare to how it feels to being this 'strong and determined'!
Swap that tempting jar for something that is not going to set you back - Bell Plantation makes a powdered peanut butter, that comes in two flavors. Regular peanut butter and chocolate peanut butter. You will be surprised at how good it really is - you just mix it with water and you have creamy peanut butter. 2 TBSP is only…
I do not give myself cheat days. If there is something that I am craving - I will typically find a recipe that is a lower calorie/lower fat than the original. I've made amazing chocolate cake with that has only 80 calories per slice. Incredible brownies that hold only 70 calories (my family loves them). If I want something…
I let my food diary and my excercise diary do the calculating for me. In a nutshell - you need to burn more than you consume. This has been successful for me: 4 x week I go to the gym - 30 minutes on the eliptical at my target heart rate, 30 minutes weights, 10 minutes ab work Never, ever, ever do I eat more than 1200…
This is AMAZING! Oh my gosh - The exercise is amazing, isn't it? Everytime I leave the gym, I get in my car and cannot believe how great it feels - Both mentally and physically. I am always impressed with how our body responds to eating right and moving right! You look fabulous and I'm proud FOR you! GREAT JOB!!!!!
I am 43 - 5'5" - and started at 205 pounds - and was in a 16. At the beginning, I really had no idea what my goal 'could' be. I had been so unsucessful that the thought of dreaming of a goal brought on a ton of fear in me. I met with a dietician - I wanted to be healthy (which, I wasn't). I wanted my body fat lowered,…
I used to binge myself. Although the calling/desire/temptation comes creeping in - I prepare myself for it. I journal my thoughts/hopes/fears and goals each and every day. I wake up and re-evaluate my determination. I, in a way - start each day with a 'pep talk' from me! I know my strengths, I know my weaknesses. Most…
There are sweets you can enjoy, without destroying your plan. There are frozen fudge bars that have only 40 calories! My all time favorite afternoon treat - I have one sugar free werthers caramel coffee hard candy - with a cup of decaf coffee that has 1 TBSP of sugar free vanilla caramel creamer. This gives you a sweet…
Congratulations! In my first month, I lost 16 pounds... You lose a bit faster to begin with, when you have more to lose. To begin with, I was averaging 2.7 - 2.9 lb loss each week, and couldn't believe it. Now, I'm more like 1.4 or 1.6 lb per week... Keep up the great work!
My journey began on July 25th - only 17 weeks ago. When I got on that scale and saw 205 - I cried.... I had no idea where to turn, as I truly felt I KNEW how to lose weight - although obviously, I didn't. I sat at a 10hr a day, very stressful job, ran home to run 4 kids around (also sitting in the car) and knew that I had…
I've just discovered PB2 - greatest thing for me - ever. I've missed peanut butter like crazy - but the calories/fat would just add too much to my day. 2 TBSP of this powdered peanut butter, mixed with 2 tsp of water only holds 45 calories and 1g fat. And... it comes in chocolate too! Sometimes I'll add 2 tsp to my…