

  • bump! i want to know too:))
  • I am 5'6 too:)) started last fall between 168-70 ( ok, ok might have been a bit higher was afraid to step on a scale . lol) I am in maintenance now and fluctuate 124-128 or 9. At one point, I had dropped below 118. It was awful. No energy and just too thin. I love right where I am now! I have muscles!! lol Btw, my frame…
  • started it 3 weeks ago. LOVE IT!!! i agree it does go fast. the mat work i really like:))) good luck!
  • i'm curious too. just added bfbm as my cardio to change things up:) love to hear how anyone else did using it.:)
  • that happened to me when i logged in this morning. my cals showed as 1300 and i am set at 12. i went in and manually adjusted it back down. did all people at 1200 get bumped up? hmmm:)
  • Just got a hrm just to see if i would really use it before getting one more expensive. got it at ( hate to say it lol) walmart for about 47. i use the chest strap while doing my dvd then i use the create exercise button add in the dvd ,time , and cals burned. after that, it shows up on my list of exercises:)
  • i had just finished doing 65 minutes of Dance 2 for wii, when i saw this thread. calorie burn is great 446:) and the time flew by! had to force myself to stop. lol she'll love it!
  • thank you ladies! :) i will try that. still trying to be friends with the hrm. lol
  • LOVE IT!!! I've had it for about 3 weeks now. So fun! Each time I get better and remember more steps and makes me feel so good after completing 40 or more minutes. I have even substituted it in place of my elliptical or treadmill and log under dancing modern. Found putting it on shuffle and just stepping in place while the…
  • I LOVE pilates! The 10 minute solution dvds are wonderful. i can break those down to 10 minutes here or there and have done 40 minutes by end of the day. one of my favorites is crunch super slim down pilates yoga blend with ellen barret. my all time best for results dvd that has worked for me is core fusion body sculpt.…
    in pilates? Comment by lucy65 December 2010
  • i have the book and follow her plan and my husband does as well. during the 2 week add in phase i lost 9 pounds my hubby 12. she has you adding in good things like eggs, veggies, fruits and a whey shake and oatmeal. basically, i was so stuffed from adding in i wasn't eating the junk i normally did. i tossed in a 20 minute…
  • I am using the same type as you too:) I have been tossing in a handful of spinach, cup of frozen unsweetened berries and a cup of water. tastes really good and get some greens and a serving of fruit. Price is pretty good too.
  • request sent! don't be discouraged :)
  • Hi Jane:) I didn't think I ate that much sugar until I got that news 2 months ago that I had crossed the pre-diabetes line. Having to test blood sugars sucks. Those little kids and teens who grow up doing this are truly amazing to me. However, the doctor did say I could reverse it through weight loss, diet and exercise. I…
  • Fly, just sent you a friend request. Oh my! I think I have kicked my shyness shell to the curb tonight. LOL
  • Thanks Marnie! I have learned so much just reading the threads here:)
  • Thanks for input:) One thing I noticed is some days when I click complete entry I get the you are not eating message. Today, I didn't get that just estimated loss in 5 weeks. Hmm, maybe, I will use that to decide how many of the exercise cals to use. I was thankful for extra cals after doing a Billy Blank's dvd. whoa! LOL…
  • thank you, I am going to try that now. Still getting use to the set up too:):happy:
  • I am following the eating rules from Jackie Warner's book," This is Why Your're Fat". I was at the point where blood testing had become necessary and, boy, did I hate that. It was shocking when I went thru my cabinets and read the grams of sugar in the things I thought were healthy. So, decided to give the book a try. Lost…