

  • Spot on! I can see why someone wouldn't want to listen to someone else complain about being a cow at 105lbs, but really? I try to eat 1200 or less every day (mind, this doesn't always happen) based on the fact that that's the range in which I lose weight. I eat healthy, I meet my nutritional requirements, and I feel better…
  • I was 21 and dating a guy I knew from college. There's a nature walk on campus that goes for about three miles through a small woods. It was autumn, so the trees were all changing colors and I stopped to admire this tree that had turned this really amazing shade of bright gold (it had just rained so the trunk looked black,…
  • I mean, honestly, the doctor's already taken my heavily caffeinated drinks away. Which reminds me: Forgive me, for I have sinned. I had an entire NOS yesterday and wasn't even sorry about it.
  • Forgive, for I have sinned. Repeatedly. Soda, I wish I could quit you.
  • When my doctor told me that I could have a kidney disease that'll send me into renal failure before I'm 70 and I'm only 23. I realized that I needed to take care of my stuff while I've got it and one crucial thing is controlling my blood pressure. Dropping 50 pounds sounds like the best way to do it.
  • Amp Energy Drinks. I'm down to one a week from two a day, but I miss them so much.
  • Harsh much? Pretending that physical attraction doesn't matter is naive. Some people just can't get passed that sort of thing. Does it make them a little shallow? Sure, but that doesn't make them an awful person. As for myself, if I was drawn to them, I wouldn't have a problem. Pretty is as pretty does, as my grandfather…
  • Seconded. There's a reason that BMI is a crock.
  • Don't fret! I feel like the captain of the boat you're in some days. I know that the "oh it's just muscle" argument can be frustrating, but it is true. Also keep in mind things like water weight. I noticed a big difference when I started keeping track of my sodium intake everyday.
  • Starting off with yoga everyday to work up to a more vigorous program. Eons ago I did the 90 day fitness challenge, but it's been so long that I'd absolutely die if I went back to that right away. As for diet: the dreaded soda must go.
  • Ugh, so glad that I'm not just crazy! I've noticed this for years! It's really amazing how much of a difference sodium makes.