dujennifer Member


  • I was doing awesome working out 6 days a week and eating really great. Healthy foods and good portions. I lost 10 pounds and then I hit a plateau and am slowly reverting to my old ways. I need to be smacked upside the head before I put it back on!
  • I concur with Denver!!! I have lived all over in different cities and returned here after college because I love it so much. All kinds of sports to play and watch, social activities, etc. Plus the winter activities are awesome...and since it is snowing one day and 60 the next, there is no such thing as dirty snow.…
  • My diet/exercise program (Body for Life) actually allows (even borderline requires) a cheat day each week. A couple reasons: 1. If you tell yourself, I can never.....You set yourself up to fail. 2. It shocks the system and kicks metabolism into gear. 3. It is a good reminder of how the bad food makes you feel not so good…
  • Just be proud you are doing it and don't worry about results! I haven't even gotten the courage to register for one yet. Getting out there is the biggest feat of all!!!
  • I have gotten really good at preparing my own meals, but still struggle on portions and choices when I go out. Do you all have favorite restaurants or menu items that you pick from when you have to eat out?
  • I see it all over fashion mags now with those new open toe boots, but I say blech!
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. It is time to appreciate the non-weight related rewards of healthy living and to evict that scale from the house for a while.
  • I can't believe I am going to admit this because the song is so bad, but I can't get it out of me head and it always gets me moving: Katy Perry, I kissed a girl
  • I travel a lot for work and it took me almost 6 months of struggling to get into a good plan. I try to order light options on any menus. Avoid desserts and appetizers, they kill on the calories. Drink tons of water, it keeps you feeling full when the snacks come out at meetings and keep your system running clean. I try to…
  • I started a fitness game to lose weight and have been really successful in the last couple months. Down 9 pounds since July 1. Yay! One problem: I am obsessed. Help!!! I jump on the scale several times a day, I freak out every time I eat something that isn't part of my plan, and I beat myself up if I don't lose any weight…
  • How do you decide what activitely level you are at when setting your profile up? I have been on a while and have set myself up as lightly active since I work out a lot but also sit at a desk all day. I am not sure that is accurate because I work out 6 days a week and am always running around, except when at work. I tried a…
  • I used to be a fried food junkie and would stop for fast food at least once a week if not more for the convenience. After my healthy style life style I started about a month and half ago, I am afraid to eat it because of what it would do to my digestive system. This is a huge feat for me since it used to be such a regular…
  • I have Diadora's and LOVE them. They make the workout so much more efficient because you push and pull the pedals (and burn more calories). The first couple rides hurt my feet. Apparently in my tennis shoes I had bad pedaling form so it took my feet a couple rides to adjust. Now if I forget my cycling shoes, I pass spin…
  • I took this seminar and it gave me great advice. Don't should yourself. I should have done X, I shouldn't have done X. Tomorrow is a new day to begin again. Every day is a battle, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, but in the end you will succeed as long as you forgive yourself for the times you falter and move on…
  • I have begun the Body for Life program and it recommends protein shakes, bars, etc and eating 5 meals a day. I have actually lost weight - 2 pounds in two weeks! But when I enter my diet into the food tab, my proteins are way higher in comparison to my balance of carbs and fats. Is too much protein bad?
  • I love Chai tea, but even non-fat is 200 calories a pop (they don't have low cal options for this particular drink). I don't drink coffee or I would switch. Do you all have any suggestions on how to avoid the evil green glow? I would avoid driving by one, but the stupid things are on every block. I hate drinking my…
  • I tend to not eat breakfast and eat larger dinners, but research shows you should eat breakfast to better manage weight. Does anyone have some low-cal breakfast ideas? No eggs please!
  • I love the couch to 5K program! I feel like I am dating the guy on the Podcast. I am a little afraid of week 5. I had an out of town week with no running and it has a 20 minute run in it. Yikes! If you want a good laugh, I got passed by the 12 year old running club last week, but at least I am out there!
  • It some conference you go to for two days and they are supposed to not only teach you fitness programs, diet ideas, but change your mindset. After the two days, you are on a team of 4 for 12 weeks to be aco****able to one another. You anty in money and earn it back as you meet your goals. I am going to try it, but I was…
  • Have any of you participated in the Fitness Game? Any comments or tips of advice?
  • I have changed everything about my life. Much healthier eating, working out 6 days a week, and while I have gained some nice muscle so far, I haven't lost a pound or my tummy. The only thing I haven't given up is my drinking...guess there is some truth to it being REALLY bad to a diet even if you count the calories.
  • Haha, I just posted to someone else on this. I put Grape Nuts in my yogurt. Sweet, plus crunchy!
  • So I am a carb fiend and I love desserts so you can imagine why I ended up here. My new favorite addiction that is actually keeping me down on calories and helping my sweet tooth and carb addiction: Yoplait Light Yogurt in any yummy flavor with a some Grape Nuts mixed in. Sweet, plus crunch..it doesn't get any better!
  • Congrats! What's your trick? I quit smoking and gained 10-15 pounds. Now instead of a smoke break, I hit the vending machine.
  • This is going to sound really mean, but I can't resist. I was in a hi-lo aerobics class. I might as well have been wearing leg warmers and a side pony tail because it was an 80's aerobics flash back. Anyway, some woman forced her poor husband to come. All the power to him, but a totally muscle bound dude dancing 80's…
  • So I am the pickiest eater ever...pretty much boils down to, if a 5 year old would eat it, so would I. Unfortunately, things like pizza and tacos don't fall off the body like they used to. I hit my late 20's and it has all caught up to me. I have a poor diet and now I have to work out 6 days a week like a machine just to…
  • Try Teavana at www.teavana.com. They have a phenomenal tea selection, and it is cheaper in the long run than hitting Starbucks...without the calories too. They have a tea called MateVana which is what you all are talking about and it can be mixed with other teas to give it flavor. My favorite is Mate Vana and Roobios Chai…
  • I am going to be a whiny pants for a minute. I have been working out like mad and eating 10 times better for almost a month now and am getting no where. I am trying not to give up, but it is really hard. My brain keeps going back to, I can weight this much and eat what I want and never work out so what is the point of…
  • I love my spin class and the instructor encourages us to keep our own pace. From my experience, the morning classes are full of the bike pros with all the special gear and the evening class is more a social good time while burning some serious calories. That is just my gym. I recommend a good pair of padded bike shorts.…
  • I had the same problem and went to a running specialty store. Turns out most people with shin splints have arches that turn inwards. A stability shoe is the best option for that. Any good athletic stores should be able to point you in the right direction. Adidas are my favorite.