A little late to join because I just came back to myfitnesspal, but hope to be welcome because this group looks great! I am turning 40 this year. 207 pounds, goal weight 155-165. My new year resolution is to "be intentional". For me that means taking care of me whether it is connecting with friends, having a movie…
Acid reflux is a catch 22 for me. I am trying to cut back my calories, but an empty stomach makes me burn. I am working on mastering staying full with low calorie items so I can stay away from the burn without amping up the calories.
I hate most foods that technically are spoiled through their creation process like cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.
I tried Noom. The mindset concept is cool, but I could not handle the excess amounts of notifications, daily tasks, multiple areas to log, etc. Their food logging database was very slim too. Nothing like this site where you can find just about anything. I ended up cancelling because it was just way too much. However, I…
Submitted my application today. This sounds hilariously fun for getting fit.
Ginger and I are going to try for daily walks around the block. I just got out of my walking boot from ankle surgery and need to slowly build ankle strength.
Lady gaga. I love her but she spent the whole time yapping rather than singing.
I inhale my food! You can try having a sip of water between bites. Slows you down and adds to filling you up.
Great job! I have insanity being delivered this week. I hope I do as well as you. Inspiring!
I can Hoover a whole bag of cool ranch Doritos in one sitting. Thank goodness those days are over. But I still can't have them in my house or they start to speak to me from the cabinet.
I took classes for a few months but had to quit because it was too expensive. While I did do it, it was a blast and never felt like working out. My arms and shoulders were AMAZING!
I skip rope between sets when lifting to keep my heart rate up. I trip every few seconds and look ridiculous, but the burn is amazing!
Love it. My husband will actually shout at people at the grocery store parking lot "Excuse me, Does that go THERE?". I can't decide between dying of laughter or embarrassment. The only good thing is, he has a 100% success rate of getting the person to take their cart to the designated return corral.
I am so sorry for your loss and feel your pain. I just miscarried for the second time in October, twice in a year. I am impressed and inspired by your dedication to get back to working out and taking care of you. I went the opposite route...I bummed on the couch, ate my feelings, and had a bottle and a half of wine every…
Dear co-worker, Just because you hate your job and life in general, does not mean you need to spend hours a day whining at my desk. You're bumming me out and ruining my post holiday vacation buzz. I happen to like my job and my life so get lost and let me live in my utopia!
I have a few: Running - my husband is a marathoner and I HATE it. I can't run one. Pull ups - I am with everyone here. I can lift well, do push ups, etc but can only dangle on a pull up bar. Ski - I moved to Colorado 20 years ago and it still terrifies me. I feel out of control!
Count me in. I ordered mine this past weekend.
LMFAO - I am sexy and you know it. Incredibly fast/ upbeat... And makes you feel sexy.
Love the easy/basic ingredient version! Do you have nutritional info?
I had mine out a few years back. The doctors lie when they say you don't need it. The reality is you can live without it, but it does serve a function. It aids in how your body digests fats. Your body will bypass where your gallbladder was and will still break down fats, but it is NOT the same. I wish I had known that…
I love this topic too. My new years resolution is to cook at least one new recipe each week!
It goes with anything! If you get a spicy kind or really flavorful type you can use it as a low calorie spread on sandwiches instead of cheese or other higher calorie dressings.
I did this and lost 15 pounds and was in the best shape of my life. Unforunately I got very ill for over a year and fell off the wagon. I plan to start again. I think part of what got me through my illness was that I was so healthy when it hit me.
Hysterical...maybe I should try and all sugar diet that comes in under the calorie goals and see what happens? Other than me feeling like total crap from the sugar overkill.
Just a mint shake....but maybe I should get one for dinner and spike it too...
Ever watch the office and the pranks Jim pulls on Dwight? A couple favs: Put some of his office supplies in Jello - like stapler Forwarded all Dwight's calls to his phone...including his cell phone.
I only need two people to think I am fiance and myself. The rest of the world's opinion is irrelevent in my book. No one's perfect. I could be supermodel skinny and miserable or be a bit chubby, active and have one heck of a good time with the life god gave me. I chose the latter.
I don't got it and I am still going to flaunt it! I am hitting 30 this weekend and I don't feel too old for anything. I am getting ready to go to Jamaica in April for my honeymoon and my future hubby wants me to wear something fun for him to look at. Who am I to disappoint? If you don't like it, look at something else. Me…
I haven't beaten my snooze button yet....but I did go from hitting it 4 or 5 times to once. I have been early to work, able to get my breakfast together because I am not in a rush, and because I am early, I get to leave early. This lent resolution is appearing to be more of a reward than sacrifice. Good thing I gave up…