yguerne Member


  • I like xylitol or erythritol mixed with stevia. The X/E adds the bulk, while the stevia brings up the sweetening power, as they are less sweet than white sugar. They do have a slight cooling effect, but depending on what you're making, you may not notice it, and even if you do, it may not bother you. I've codked a lot with…
  • I know I'm a little late, but just wanted to respond to your chicken question. I love my actifry, especially for chicken. It renders all the fat out of the chicken if you leave the skin on, so you're left with super crispy skin that isn't full of fat. Of course it's not as healthy as chicken with no skin, but you've got to…
  • I add the vegetable and oil separately when I log them. I find there is some oil left over in the actifry, but since you are using so little, there isn't much. I use about half of what is suggested when I cook veggies. I shake my veggies around in the pan so they are covered. If I add the whole spoonful suggested, there is…
    in Actifry Comment by yguerne November 2015
  • I can relate. I like to munch at night. Keep yourself busy. Find something to do and your mind won't be going towards food. Anything you can do with your hands is great, and if it engages your whole body, even better. Knit, keep an art journal, paint, put a puzzle together, visit with a friend, exercise-- you get the…
  • Betty, I'm curious to know how things are going with you. Are you still on the Gabapentin? What dose do you take? Are you still struggling with your weight? I've been on GP for 8-9 months and have gained 33 lbs, despite clean eating. It's taken a lot of my energy, so I'm not very active these days, but I'm getting back…
  • baked eggplant fries-- yum! http://blisstree.com/eat/pimp-my-health-6-healthy-makeovers-for-your-french-fries-767/gallery-page/5/
  • If you add a little mustard or dry mustard to an oil and vinegar/citrus juice, it will emulsify the dressing so it doesn't separate on you. I use dry mustard as I'm not a fan of mustard taste and I don't notice it in there. I like balsamic and olive oil. personally.