

  • A lot of the responses comment on what you CAN'T have (or shouldn't) with ADHD. We typically eat a healthy, low-to-no-processed foods (although we've been a little off lately), so a lot of these things don't really make a difference to us. However, one thing I noticed is that our daughter does SIGNIFICANTLY better if she…
  • I work full-time (7-4), am a full-time student (online), and my husband is gone Mon-Fri. I understand not having a lot of time, but I have found doing one to two 20-30 minute workouts a day (trying for at least 4 days a week) works better than trying to haul my kids to a gym with me (even if there is a daycare at the gym).…
  • Thanks for the posts. I will have to try some of these out. So far, my smoothies have not turned out so well.
  • I will add my opinion, and also throw in a vote for the Osprey! We just bought an Osprey Plus carrier and LOVE it! We tested the Deuter and Osprey in the store (REI) a few times before we went in to purchase. Before going in, we planned on getting the Deuter. When we got there, we had a GREAT store rep help us fit them…
  • My husband juiced for a while, so we have a little bit of experience with it, but not near as much as what's out there. As for what we learned about storing: The juices can oxidize quickly (which can decrease the effectiveness - and taste). We would make enough in the morning to be breakfast and lunch. He stored his lunch…
  • Congrats! I know you've been working hard at it, and now you get to see it pay off!
  • I have a friend who did the 24-day challenge with her husband. They both lost some weight, but nothing spectacular - just about what you would expect going from a typical American diet to a healthy, less-processed diet for almost a month. The one thing she said helped her the most was that she dropped her coffee addiction…
  • Me, me, me! I am 5'4 or 5'5 depending on who measures. I am currently at 161 lbs, down from 168 lbs about a month ago - woohoo! A few goals: 1) By Christmas, I want to be under 155. 2) By my son's 2nd birthday (in July), I will be under 145. and 3) By Christmas 2013 I will be under 140 lbs. This may come sooner (hopefully)…
  • Try something with more protein. Your yogurt and fruit can have a lot of sugars (although not bad sugars, still sugars with little protein to hold you over). Try sting cheese, nuts, or put some peanut butter with your fruit. What about veggies? I used to love having sliced bell peppers and hummus for a snack. Or…
  • Absolutely! Ha! I love it! I'm sure that made you feel wonderful.
  • Look the research up for yourself, or see someone who specializes in natural/herbal supplements. They will likely know more about it. My husband knows quite a few people who take it as a supplement, and they said it works wonders! Particularly for making your bones stronger. However, many people from where we lived at the…
  • I typically add in flax and raspberries. Sometimes I will add in wheat germ or chia if I am in the mood for it.
  • If you have any left over (or if your kids have too much and you can talk them into it), look for a candy donation site. These are starting to get popular. For example, last year there was a dentist's office that collected candy. They paid the kids something like $1 for each pound of candy they brought. All donations were…
  • Good morning! I'm in for the challenge. My weigh in last week was 166lbs. I have a few goals. I want to be 155lbs by the first weekend in November (when I will fly out to see my husband and family), and 145-ish by Christmas. So I would say my 8-wk goal is 20 lbs. I just moved halfway across the country with my little guy…