Annr Member


  • Skyped with my middle son yesterday. Him seemed a bit melancholy. Like he was trying to be upbeat but his smiles never reaching his eyes. His life is on pause until wife gets out of the Navy this November. He is coping, but I know he struggles with purpose. Need to send him a card... Becca Oregon
  • Happy Saturday! An emotional morning! My dear husband was annoyed at me for staying up late last night, on Facebook. I had added a couple of groups, a city for sale site, a "You know you live in Astoria when" site, a country living site, and my high school site. So I was reconnecting with old friends excreta. His thoughts…
  • ⚓⚓⚓⚓⚓
  • Re in TX Yep, we love Freddie's. We have a weekly debit from that place, always needing sumthin! Becca Oregon
  • Heather great idea putting the calorie content in the things you freeze! I will definite be doing that! I just made some oven baked salmon so portioning it out presently. Becca Oregon
  • Penny. Actually the dish set we have is from a local store Fred Meyers, heehee. My Ramen bowl is from Japan though. My dream is to have mismatched bowls from various artists, so my kitchen looks like an art gallery! Becca Oregon
  • Janetr okc we are like you with our medical. We are very blessed, and thankful. So expensive was the transplant. He has Tricare for Life, and Medicaid. Son and I are on Tricare prime. Becca Oregon
  • A decoration for St. Patrick's Day, given to me by a valued TOPS friend Breakfast today 397 calories a bisquick ultimate pancake w/ blueberries in it, peanut butter, walnuts and drizzle of syrup on top, with some mandarin oranges. Oh and coffee! Becca Oregon
  • Woohoo I will accept it!
  • Hey cool with the DD that hasn't used shampoo for over 2 years! Oregon has really great water, not hard water, so I can rinse with just the water and it does the trick. It takes longer to dry my hair though, gotta plan better! Becca
  • Hey my fav ladies! Repositioning the NO MEN ALLOWED sign painted on with such happy colors! Just awoke from an hour nap!! Today was my day to volunteer at the senior luncheon, and it was crowded! Everyone wishing their corned beef, cabbage and Irish soda bread. I didn't sing because a nice couple came with their electric…
  • Cpopal6 well you just type, tell us a bit about yourself, what your goals are, and don't forget to click on upper right star that turns yellow. Then you can find us easier.
  • Hi de hoo!! All these wonderful pics of beautiful babies, fur babies, we have so much to be thankful for don't we?!! Penny welcome back, we saved your seat....yes, yes that one with the Christmas lights, and Hawaiian flower Lei's!! Today weighed in at tops with a 2 lb loss. Very happy about that. Starting weight at…
  • Hey everyone! So today I have Ber trying to get on the TOPS website... I guess I logged onto it many years ago, but misplaced my user name and password! To then they needed my hotmail so they could sent me the user name. I never really have gone onto the hotmail acct, I had created it to start up the Amazon tablet. So the…
  • DJ well friend, my plan is to never wash my hair with shampoo again. Just rinsing, scritching, and preening. I sound like a cat don't I? Haha. Well scritching is massaging your scalp before ya hop in the shower. Preening is when you take sections of hair in your fingers, (like you are holding the hair like holding a…
  • Soooo after my soup heaven, I am sitting on the couch sipping coffee, and had my dinner of 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter! This is what I fixed for my guys... Fluffy tapioca cream! Becca Oregon
  • Ooh 1 of 2 bowls! Yummy! !
  • Ohh I reboiled the ham hock I used from the bean soup, adding more water, 2 tsp of chicken bouillon paste, 1/4 cup drained kidney beans, 1 oz of turkey meat, and 2 cups of shredded green cabbage. It is cooking slowly. That plus, coffee and 1 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter is my future! Yeah! Becca In ham hock heaven in Oregon
  • Happy Sunday Everyone! Made bean soup with a ham hock today. Husband loved loved it! Rinsed my hair, feels a bit waxy still from the sebum, natural oils in the scalp, but otherwise its doing OK. Notice less strands on the shower drain, and in my brush. Hair feels stronger. Its getting a personality I suppose. Becca Oregon
  • Paula Y. Oh new appliances are always nice! I have a rice cooker that I have had since 1991,*knocking on wood now* and it's still making my Japanese sticky rice just like I like it! Bought it at the Navy Exchange store when we were stationed there! I don't steam anything else in it but rice though. Becca Oregon
  • You remember ladies, my neighbor? The one that swears like a sailor? Well today I had a nice visit with her, sharing some of the veggies I rec'd from the food bank. This is her cute dog, Annabelle. We just love each other! Love Becca Oregon
  • Welcome Lindapapin! Congrats on your journey thus far! We are a great gaggle of ladies, many of us friends for a couple of years now. Tell us about yourself, don't forget to bookmark us! Becca Oregon
  • Chris. Awesome job with your journey, it does give me hope! I wanna be willowy, graceful and flow thru this world with ease. Well that's my mantra some days! Your fsate sounded relaxed, easy conversations. You will have to give us updates now! And by the way you are beautiful, inside and out! Lisa awe you aren't a…
  • When you can't steal the magazine from the waiting room, you take photos!
  • Oops the rest of the recipe!