

  • Hello! I have hypothyroidism and PCOS myself, both of which make weight loss a big struggle, so I totally understand what you are going through. Good job sticking with it this time, and I hope we can all be lots of support to you on your journey!
  • I find that if I cut all of those bad foods out of my diet for a couple of days, the cravings do finally go away. But, those couple of days are very hard to push through at first.
  • Or you can blog right on this site! Knowing that others are seeing what you're posting might help you to stick with your plan. I wish you the best of luck!! I do think your age will benefit you a lot :)
  • I get where you're coming from. I had twins at 24 years old, which really took a toll on my stomach. Now I'm trying to lose the extra weight and we'll see what my stomach looks like at the end! I am using SlimFast right now to lose weight, but I don't know that I will stick with it for the whole diet. I don't want to feel…
  • I'll definitely look into this, thanks! I had never heard of this one before
  • I am currently on SlimFast, day 5 of my diet. I really do love it, though I know it is not the healthiest of dieting techniques. It allows my mind to not think about food all day. I already know what I'll be having for breakfast and lunch, so I don't have to stress about it. I also love the shakes and the Cookie Dough meal…
  • I want to lose exactly 60 pounds myself, and I am on day 5 of my diet. It's so hard to stay motivated, but I'm sure that this site and all of the support will help. Good luck to you!
  • We're in this together....let's find success this time! I want this to be the last time I ever have to think about losing weight. :)
  • Thank you! I do have the added health problems of hypothyroidism and PCOS to contend with...that does make losing weight extra hard. I do drink a lot of water, but I don't eat as many healthy foods as I should. I haven't looked into the Special K shakes yet, but I will.
  • Thank you all for your stories. They are incredibly motivating to me, and I hope one day that my story will help to motivate others. What an amazing resource this website is...I wish I had discovered this sooner!
  • I'm so glad there are others out there that understand! It sucks to weigh more than your husband. I cringe every time I see movies where the husband picks the wife up and swings her around or carries her over the threshold. That just isn't possible for me. I wish it was, and I hope to get there one day. Right now I weigh…
  • I know you're right. SlimFast isn't the healthiest thing in the world. I'm just using it to get started, and then I want to switch to something healthier
  • Woohoo! Just realized I can blog right on this site!
  • Hi! I have been on phentermine in the past, but it made me really cranky (though it did REALLY suppress my appetite). Right now I am on day 5 of my SlimFast diet, and so far I think I am doing really well. I am also taking Garcinia Cambogia and Selenium as a supplement, but it's too early to tell if those are making a…