afteil Member


  • Initial measurements (posted these before but I thought it would be easier to find here) calf- 16 Thigh- 28.5 Waist- 48 Hip-55 Upper arm- 16 Initial test stats: Sit ups: 31 squats: 50 Dips: 7 (lol yay for terrible upper body strength) For anyone who doesnt have them:…
  • Hi there! Id love to join- Im coming off of a 3 week sit out from being sick, and I need some serious motivation :) Measurements: Calf- 16 in Thigh- 28.5 in waist- 48 in Hip- 55 in Arm- 16.5 in
  • are you cooking the veg (outside of the eggplant) first? spinach and mushrooms release quite a bit of liquid so if youre putting it on raw that might make it soupy? also, When I've made eggplant lasanga before I found that I had to crust the eggplant in something (I used wheat germ and panko) and baked it first, and that…
  • Im kind a fan of leftovers, but today I made myself a brunchy kind of lunch and made a fritatta. I love using things like that because its fairly portable, and you can put anything in it (I had leeks, mushrooms, roasted asparagus and deli turkey), but you can change it to be whatever you want, you can make it with ham and…
  • if youre going vegetarian and you havent done it before, and youre working out as well as counting calories theres a couple of things you should keep in mind. Its going to be..i shouldnt say harder..but if you werent vegetarian before, its going to be more of a challenge to get enough protien and calories (or at least it…
  • for my big goal of 100 lbs I'm getting myself a back tattoo. will be nice to hopefully meet goals of -30 by halloween to buy a cuter halloween costume instead of just wearing random things that i have around the house :)
  • im in! Ive been putting it off for about a week because ive had a massive cold, but i need to get my butt in gear and get it going! prolly have to skip tuesday though, going on a hike and i know ill be too sore after to do it! lol :)
  • i dont even mind it being different shades lol, i think it makes it auto look like i have highlights and lowlights=P i had the help of a friend of mine (who i knew before she went through beauty school) to show me how to do it...i think we waited a little over a week and i used an overnight hair mask twice before trying…
  • my hair has been (almost) every shade of the rainbow; and i recently decided to take it from a medium/ dark brown (the medium was hair that was dyed that faded, dark brown was roots) to a snow white blonde. I havent used a bleaching kit from amazon, i use powdered bleach and a developer, but i assume thats pretty much what…
  • Sorry- went on a giant hike yesterday and came home and crashed without weighing in. pretty upset that the scale has gone up and down this week and i havent really lost anything, despite going from doing almost no working out to going to the gym 6 days a week and eating better. hopefully next week will be better! starting…
  • im in! really need some motivation getting back into my weight loss fallin off the wagon and regaining a bunch of weight. Have my first meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow so im super excited to hopefully start seeing results! Name/ real name: afteil/ amy Current Weight: 240 Challenge Goal Weight: 210 -30 lbs :)…
  • Definately me- my grandfather just passed and so far ive gained like 4 lbs>< need to get that under control quick!
  • Blah, I had hoped people would actually be interested in something like this. Oh well.
  • Im not sure about recipes specifically for things that go in the microwave (as I would never attempt to cook any form of meat in the microwave), but I know there are a lot of good frozen meals out there lately that are decent for you and wont kill your budget- I like the amys organic ones or the lean gourmet ones. Also,…
  • it would be very difficult to just calculate from having a hrm, because your heart rate changes throughout the workout, so the best you would be able to get is an approximation from the average hr
  • I havent gotten there yet, but that is exactly what I fear would happen to me. I am always afraid that even though I think that I will feel better about my looks when I lose weight, what would happen if I lose the weight and am still unhappy? I know it is hard to get through- but just focus on what you have accomplished…
  • Being gluten and dairy free definately does not have to limit you, or even keep your calorie count super low. You can add in grains like quinoa or brown rice, and of course your meat and vegetable possibilities are endless. Although I'm not strictly gluten free, I do try to minimize the gluten in my diet. One great website…
  • sushi restaurants are nice in that in most of them (especially if you sit at the bar), they will help you find exactly what you want, even if it is not on the menu. Try asking them if there is a way to get the roll without the rice, or with half the amount of rice on it (that way you can still get all the yummy fillings…
  • I agree with shopgirl- when you go from 300-600 calories just by changing from a soft taco to a hard taco shell, its probably because it is deep fried.
  • you might need to increase your calories- if you arent eating enough (especially with how much working out you are doing), then you could be sending your body into starvation mode: making it think that you arent going to give it enough calories to survive. This makes your metabolism slow down and when you do eat, your body…
  • I just got the nike + gps one as well(currently its free). It works great when walking outside but i havent tried it on a treadmill yet.
  • Personally, I think that grills are a great way to make healthy meals. Lean ground beef or turkey burgers, or bbq chicken (Personally I brine my chicken first, and use a lower calorie spicy pomegranate bbq sauce) all make fairly low calorie entrees (especially if you use the hamburger thins instead of full buns). you can…
  • I do that exact same thing lol. My family always makes fun of me because I look up all the calories and it takes me forever to order because I want to know what would be my best choice and how many calories i was going to eat.
  • the only one ive really played with is the wii fit plus, but i really like it. you can choose from different exercises to work different parts of your body, or combine them to create your own workout routine. They have different levels of difficulty as well as different durations for each workout so you can find what…
  • Personally, I would say to never run barefoot. especially not on a surface like the treadmill. Without proper arch support you can seriously damage your joints and possibly get shin splints which can put you out of commission with running for a little while. Personally- I think that you can get a really cheap pair of…
  • I never understood why people bash threads like this. I know that 500 calories per day is not recommended, but if you dont want to do it...dont. She had an honest question about recipes and while there have been a few honest responses (I love the one about the shrimp and the franks chicken...I'm completely in love with…
    in HCG Recipes Comment by afteil May 2011
  • I havent really looked into the diets- what are the restrictions for the meals?
    in HCG Recipes Comment by afteil May 2011
  • Personally- I would try to eat fairly light throughout the day (have a large salad or something for lunch), but before you start drinking eat something a little more filling, even if it has a little more calories, to keep from getting sick the next day.