

  • A couple friends and I are starting this May 1st. There is a wine/arts/music fair I am going to at the end of April so I want go enjoy it. Send me a friend and I will add you.
  • I just had a said walking was not an option. Is it because you don't have someone to help with your children? Are they to young to leave by themselves? If so, try to find an inside exercise for you and for them or just for you while they have playtime or homework time. Just a suggestion.
  • Hi everyone, My name is Bobbie and I have had diagnoised RA since 2005. It took a couple of tries to get there as my blood work would show up normal. I went to the doc the day after Christmas as I couldn't hardly move when I got out of bed. Luckily the doc I saw at my clinic has RA herself and diagnoised it herself. After…
  • I understand about the walking outside in winter. I have rhumatoid arthritis so the cold, damp air hurts in the winter. I am looking for something too. I do have an exercycle and fitness ball I am trying to work into a routine. In the last few days it has been damp and chilly here so I have walked all over my house to get…
  • If there is a picture on my page of a person, it will be me unless otherwise noted.
  • There will be good days and bad but it will be worth it in the end!
  • Welcome to the neighborhood. We can all get healthy together!
  • I have only been on MFP for a couple of weeks. I find it easy to keep track of everything here and when I create a new dish at home I find it easy to figure out the carbs, calories, etc. Add me if you would like. :laugh:
  • Vitamin D is a good place to start and also having your thyroid check. Having a low thyroid can cause you to feel drained and make it harder to keep your weight down. Keep positive.