

  • My trainer told me to keep my cardio sessions under 45 mins. 30 mins per session is ideal, and she had mentioned that if I was doing cardio to lose weight, to go to the gym twice a day for two 30 min sessions instead of all at once for an hour. I'm not saying this is for sure how everyone should do it, but that's the way…
  • They say it boosts your metabolism and stuff, I don't know how your suppose to tell that! BUT I think if you like the taste of tea it helps for weight loss because I find it helps curb cravings, it fills you up for a bit, and its lower calorie than how I would usually drink my coffee! :) so yes, any kind of tea seems to be…
  • Were pretty close! Age 18 height 5'4 SW 152 CW 148 GW 135 :)
  • Add me if you would like! :) Age: 18 Height: 5' 4 SW: 152 CW: 148 GW: 135