

  • My go to b-fast usually include like protein pancakes (different recipes each time), cereal (Go lean or Special K), or Ezekial bread (Which is DELICIOUS) with egg whites and coffee. For lunch normally i have sandwiches, i use turkey, grilled chicken, hummus, light mayo or tuna sandwiches. Dinner is the hard part. I eat…
  • I follow the toneitup girls on youtube and do most of the workouts!!(: i enjoy them ALOT! and find results suitable for me!(: I also like to do alot of yoga and follow tara stiles on youtube as well!(: LOVE IT haha(:
  • Soo I made some plain, some with cinnamon, and some with cocoa powder!(: lets see how they come out!(:
  • Thats what i thought to! but i was like maybe i should ask someone whos done it already tell me its good ! hahah But you know what i'm just going to try it haha! thanks!(;
  • I reallyy like this idea! especially since me and my best friend try to workout together! Another variation i read from some magazine is you get a deck of cards and for each suit you categorize it (ex. hearts can be cardio moves etc.) and each card has a certain number of reps with workout. It's really an interesting…
  • Have you heard of the toneitup girls? their on youtube and their pretty out there haha:happy: I LOVEEEEE doing their workouts and i lovee following their advice and trying their recipes! If you haven't heard of them then i think you should DEFINITELY check them out!:happy: Or if you're more into calmer workouts try Tara…
  • The Caller! :happy:
  • i have the SAME EXACT SITUATION AS YOU! D: idk what to do either:ohwell: I'm just going to keep on going and see if by the end of next week i lose another pound:frown:
  • Something simple and quick that i had for lunch today was a grilled cheese sandwich! :happy: I grabbed two 100% whole wheat bread, toasted them, and sprayed pam to my pan instead of soaking my bread in butter. Unless you have a healthier butter like i had you can put about a teaspoon on each bread and it comes out delish!!…
  • I always have that problem with deciding to satisfy my craving but so far I've been doing good:happy: Usually i just take a bite or a piece of whatever it is i'm craving and then walk away and find something to do to keep myself busy:smile: Then i completely forget that i was craving food! haah Or if i do give in i don't…
  • Thankss everyone!! :happy:
  • For breakfast i usually eat cereal(: like the special K and stuff(: ORRRR i whip up some egg whites and change it up; one day i'll add a litttttle bit of cheese or just ketchup hha along with one whole grain waffle. Oatmeal is good too especially since I serve myself 1/2 of the actual full serving cause it's really filling…
  • Thanks so much! im really excited to try this recipe!:happy:
  • Well usually i find a basic or general recipe for protein pancakes which usually calls for ingriedients like protein powder, banana, ground flaxseed, egg whites, cinnamon, and then from there you can tweak it up a bit. haha But everytime i make these they never turn out:ohwell: But I like the idea of adding in the flour!!…
  • Omg im soo picky on fruit too! haha I only have like two favorite fruits that i can always just grab and eat. So usually i just snack on those haha:tongue: somtimes i feel adventurous and grab something else but that happens once in awhile haha:tongue:
  • I think portion control is a really good strategy. I hear from alot of ppl who randomly lose weight telling me that they eat whatever they want but just watch HOW much they eat. So sometimes when i'm craving something i don't completely ban in from myself but i take a few bites or whatever it may be ha. As for food swaping…
  • I'm really interested in giving a try! Just like you i weigh 141 and i wanna lose 20 lbs haha :happy: And i really like this idea of keeping eachother motivated! Lets do this!:smile:
  • I love the different ways everyone makes their oatmeal! i'm excited to try some of those ideas now!:happy:
  • Woww this is so great!!! :happy: i know exactly how you feel!:cry: i feel like no matter how hard i try the weight just doesnt go away haha!
  • Add me!:happy: i'm new to the fitnesspal communityy so i need friends and the support too!:smile: