

  • A week later after increasing my weight loss goal to 1lb a week, and increasing my caloric intake to about 1600 calories, I am happy to report that I am no longer hungry AND I lost more than 1lb this past week. I had a 2.5 lb lost to be exact. Thanks again everyone for the suggestions. Signed, FULL :wink:
  • I haven't been lifting for long, going on a month. I love that suggestion though, cardio in between reps...that sounds like a challenge I'm willing to take on.
  • This is helpful! I definitely plan on keeping the routine, I actually prefer lifting over cardio. While looking over the posts I'm seeing that it all boils down to time...I recently added weights to my routine, will be going on a month now... Thanks for the reminder!
  • Lol, ummm... doesn't dropping pounds/losing weight naturally change the appearance of your body?? My specific comment was not being concerned with muscle definition at the moment. In other words it's a goal of mine but not right now.
  • Lol, ummm... doesn't dropping pounds/losing weight naturally change the appearance of your body?? My specific comment was not being concerned with muscle definition at the moment. In other words it's a goal of mine but not right now.
  • You all are lifesavers, literally! After reading what everyone had to say, I'm going to revisit my goals...and consider the amount I want to lose per week. I'm looking for results, but ultimately I'm also looking for something sustainable and long term. This week I'm going to see what happens with changing my weekly goal…