angiepower Member


  • I'm sticking to 20g carbs a day so far have lost 8lbs in first week and another lb today....I'm doing Atkins does feel strange to be eating all the no no foods such as cheese and cream ....I tend to eat around 1600 cals a day and don't exercise I know I should lol....I set myfitnesspal up as 5% carbs 65% fat and 30%…
  • I've just done my first week of induction and have lost 8lb my calories equal out to roughly 1600 a day, carbs come in at 20 per day hope that helps....I do measure and weigh things like cheese and cream as I think it's easy to go over on them type of things. Hope that helps
  • Hi all I started Atkins 7 days ago and pleased to say I've lost 3lbs Atkins easy to follow....I did a few vodkas last weekend ....but I'm in it for the long haul...keep up the good work everyone xx
  • Wow thanks for all the helpful advice...I keep reading about eat your exercise calories On here...guess I'm too nervous to try it...but here goes I'm gonna give it actry and see what happens thx everyone :)