Dive_Girl Member


  • I was afraid of that....but I know you guys are right. Thank you for the sound advice, I will do my best to take it easy.
  • My gym doesn't have a Cable Glute Extension machnine. Any alternative recommendations?
  • First of all, he's not THAT much younger than you. But I know whatcha mean for sure. Especially since you have little ones and they will be touched both good and bad by which ever decision you make. My advice to you is, life is long, take it very slow. Whether he turns out to be a good friend or more depends on time. With…
  • Always happens to me when I loose a large amount of weight. Once long ago I also had problems with busing easily as well. It was so bad I had bruises on my belly just from bumping into a table or chair. My doctor said the bruising was due to the weight loss and lack of Vit C and B. So I upped my vitamins and it helped the…
  • I seriously have the bordem issue also. I don't do videos either and now, I have a hard time getting to the gym because I hate routine. I am very active, love being outside and love things like hiking and diving and kayaking and so on. But I just can't do a number of those things during a normal work week. Things that are…
  • I took a running clinic last year to "learn" how to run. Yes, I never did it before and just couldn't run at all so I found a coach. She told me, do not stretch before running but ALWAYS stretch after to avoid injuries. I have followed her instructions and have not yet had any issues.
  • bump....LOVE THE TUNA MELT!!!! YUM!
  • Honestly, I think Pudge is a bit jealous of your success and probably is afraid of taking steps to better himself. You look absolutely STUNNING!!!! You are an inspiration to us all!! Congratulations on doing something that many here in this country struggle with every day. You have a great deal to be proud of.
  • AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
  • I find that if I eat a few almonds, say 10, with my fruit snack that I don't get hungry after. It satisfies me until my next meal. Another yummy snack I eat is almond butter on celery. A little goes a long way.
  • Personally all I need is a spoon and I'm happy!!! I love avocados!!!! But, how about a cold soup? http://www.williams-sonoma.com/recipe/avocado-soup-with-shrimp-and-salsa.html I've tried this recipe and replaced the heavy cream with non-fat half and half and it was terrific! I have also wanted to try replacing the cream…
  • I have been following The Zone diet plan and I tell you honestly I am living without cravings. I've been on it for 2 weeks now and they teach you to first get rid of sugar, second treat processed carbs like a condiment and third to have a balance of low GI carbs, protein and healthy fat at every snack and meal. I feel like…
  • Where did you order this from?
    in HCG Diet? Comment by Dive_Girl June 2010
  • I steer clear of sugar because if really makes me hungry all day and I also notice it makes me feel tired. I eat Greek God's Plain Yogurt and LOVE it all by itself. But, for breakfast I toss in some fruit and chopped nuts or...I use it in place of sour cream. The active cultures actually help my digestive system also and…
  • Yoga always helps me center myself. Especially if its a well run class. In addition, I personally like time a steamroom and/or dry sauna if possible. Very relaxing. A glass of wine with dinner tonight wont hurt either. You have trained very well....now, leave everything to the run. Let it go and let your body do what you…
  • I equate this to quitting smoking, which I did 3 years ago. I can tell you from personal experience that I was never motivated when someone wanted me to do it or asked me to quit for my health. It had to be from me and for me and only me. My spouse NEVER EVER asked me to quit and never gave me grief for smoking. He is not…
  • I don't like my veggies soggy so, I steam my asparagus for no more than 3 mins then toss them in an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Same for broccoli. However, there are lots and lots of vegetables out there and cooking varies depending on what you are making. What are you favorites?
  • I can really sympathize with you. Unlike you, I have always struggled with weight my whole life. However, I did at one point 10 years ago get down to a "happy" weight and since then have slowly put on the pounds. It is so frustrating to do everything that you think is right yet your body seems resistant. I really do get…
  • I did bodyforlife about 7 years ago and the results were just amazing!!! I have tried to restart but I am board with the workouts. I think I need something new to try. I'll check out the www.asimba.com website you suggested.
  • Absolutely!!! I noticed super smelling powers for about a year after! I figured, I've been smelling everything with a hint of cigarette smoke for my entire life (my mother and sister smoked also) so when I quit was the first time in my life I didn't have the smell around me. It was like the entire world became more…
  • Plan a VERY VERY BUSY weekend and week!!!! Hiking, biking, shopping....non-stop! Go the museum, movies, Broadway show or local festivals. Enjoy being outside and active. I smoked for 20+ years, pack a day hard core. I quit July 2007 at the most stressful moment of my life. I used the lozenges to get me past the first…
  • I love love love sweet potatoes!!!! Baked at a very high heat until very tender then add a small amount of unsalted butter and pumpkin pie spice. YUM!!! I also love sweet potato fries but have never made them. I'll have to try some of the recipes below.
  • Mine is SamiRose
  • Careful with fish oil, a number of manufactures are being sued because PCBs have been found. In addition, because there are no regulations around fish oil you do not know where the fish came from. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6214OT20100303 Many of the fish caught for fish oil are fish that cannot be eaten such as…
  • I have always loved Jamie Oliver!!! Used to watch him on the Food Network years ago with his show the Naked Chef. I look forward to his new one!
  • Broiled fish or seared sea scallops
  • OMG!!! I know the PERFECT person to do this to at my office!!! THANK YOU!
  • Not too bad actually! I think we used about 3 rolls total.
  • I once took a 5lb bag of macaroni and emptied into every drawer and file of a co-worker. That was fun because he was finding macaroni for MONTHS!. I also took foil and completely wrapped another co-workers car in it then when we went out for lunch she offered to drive (which I knew was going to happen) it was…