

  • I also have low iron I take ferrous sulfate, 3 times a day.
  • Okay ladies, I have been off Deprovera for 1 month today and have lost 6 lbs. Coincidence.....I think not!!!
  • Well thank you everyone for your thoughts!! I am sure everyone is different, my thoughts are if this many people feel they have gained weight on Deprovera ( whether it is from increased appetite or the drug itself) I still feel that I will go off of it and see. I am not taking it for birth control, I take it because I have…
  • I want to go shopping and buy the clothes that look good on the hanger, not look at the back of the rack for the big sizes and then after trying them on realize they don't look the same as on the hanger. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and to feel sexy again!!!!! Woohoo imagine that....feeling sexy again!!!