

  • it's working for me! :) I've lost 6 lbs since the day after new years. :)
  • oh, sorry ... clean to me when i typed that, meant no preservatives and hidden ingredients. I make everything I eat. I'm certainly not starving or depriving my body. I eat all day, and sometimes feel like i can't eat everything i'm supposed to. Healthy fats such as olive oil are a part of my daily eating, and I take a…
  • it's a book i bought called '17 day diet'. you eat very clean for 17 days - chicken & fish and lots of veggies and probiotics and water and green tea. then for the next 17 days you add to what you eat ... its a program.
  • hi there!! :) good luck w/ losing baby weight! what part of PA, i'm also from there - near Pittsburgh. :)
  • welcome! I, like you, am new! I find everyone here to be very supportive, as well as the food counter to be AMAZING in helping me decide what I put into my mouth. You can lose that weight!!
  • :smile: congratulations!!! that's awesome!!!
  • wow! all these ideas i never thought of! I usually eat it w/ pepper ... or with fruit ... i'm going to try the other ideas tho!
  • hi there! I'm new too!!! i know you can do this, put your mind to it!! good luck to both of us! :smile: