

  • Yes, this. I personally enjoy both cardio and resistance. Cardio has helped me lower my blood pressure, keep my endurance up... I feel more energetic and happier after doing an elliptical workout or churning out five miles on the bike. Idk why, I just enjoy doing it. Resistance, for its part, has helped me tone up and…
  • Yeah, that's one thing I wouldn't judge. As a heavier person, I know how difficult it is to get yourself moving. I still hate running. But I try my hardest to do it. My mom was largely sedentary before we got our gym memberships, but now she can do 5 miles on the bike at 80-90 rpm without a problem. When you're starting…
  • I have a few. People who don't clean their machines and bounce from one machine to another constantly. It grosses me out, makes me lose time on my workout having to clean up after your sloppy *kitten*, and it ultimately makes me not want to work out anymore if I see you there. Men who walk around with serial killer faces…
  • I'd like to remind everybody that just because someone is overweight doesn't necessarily mean he or she is unhealthy in his or her eating habits. Some people can try everything possible to live a healthy lifestyle, and while it helps on the inside (ex. heart, blood pressure, cholesterol) it doesn't show on the scale.…
  • Good question... I usually just log what I have to the best of my ability and see where I'm at. All things considered, I usually stay within the boundaries, but I don't stress it if there are things in red. This Sunday I didn't log at all, lol, but I try to stay on track with my logging every day, because I find it keeps…
  • Agreeeeeeeeeed. Hating yourself is not going to change anything. Take care of your body. Nourish it and make it better.
  • Good points. I NEVER deprive myself. I find that people tend to overdo it if they deprive themselves, then let themselves have what they have stayed away from. The best way to lose weight is to allow yourself serving size only. If you're going to have cookies, have two cookies. If you're going to have ice cream, have 1/2…
  • I honestly have not weighed myself in months, and certainly not since coming to this site. I realize that's probably a bad thing, but I don't want to become obsessed, and I'm the type of person who will become obsessed with it, I feel (and fear). I also don't own a scale. But at some point I do want to buy one, just to see…
  • 5 foot 4-4/12, aiming for 145-150. I think that's reasonable and comfortable for my build.