Cardio Bunny? Stop It – Stop It Now!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm sure 95% of the men out there would want to be ripped than run a mile. Running a mile is cool, but offers little real world benefits.

    Until the zombie apocalypse. :indifferent:

    I do both. I love running. I consider myself a runner. Strength training makes me a better runner. With a fantastic *kitten*.
  • iFreebaseBacon
    iFreebaseBacon Posts: 45 Member
    **hangs head in shame**
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Cardio takes too much time.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Point number 4 is kind of weird. I don't punish myself with cardio. I imagine this article is for a very small, very specific population of women.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You know, plenty of men only engage in cardio-only exercise, too. I know guys who only exercise is running or racquetball or cycling.

    Just sayin'

    You are correct!

    Or guys who only do resistance...sure you are ripped but can you run a mile? Lol

    Edited to note...I do both.

    Well yes, acutally. I can do both. As a matter of fact, I can run several miles.
  • sukaera
    sukaera Posts: 53 Member
    While I am a strong advocate of balance, in training and in life, my opinion is:

    As long as you're exercising and you love whatever activity you do, then do it. Running, swimming, lifting weights, NO exercise routine is perfect or better than the other. Whether you're a "cardio bunny" or a "buffy the weight lifting slayer", we are all trying to be a little healthier, that's what counts to me. :flowerforyou:
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    After using myself as a calorie restriction guinea pig for three months a few years ago, I'm kinda paranoid about doing cardio since I've already lost a significant amount of lean body mass during that crazy experiment. For me, I just eat about 400 calories below TDEE and lift weights to equal the deficit I want.
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    No. Let them (men and women) continue cardio, the weights section is busy enough already. I am selfish. >:(

    LOL. :D

    I love, love, love cardio. It makes me feel fantastic, and I love that I can do more and more with each workout. The elliptical is my b***. That said, I really want to start lifting. I'm not looking for bat wings or flabby skin elsewhere, and I want the kind of toned and sexy bod that only lifting can provide.
  • astrobob76
    i do cardio as a preventative activity. mostly walking on the treadmill. im a food addict, so if im walking at the gym, its less time to think about food at home. being unemployed atm doesnt help the fight!
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I've lost 75 lbs with the majority of my workouts being cardio-oriented.
    Not bashing the benefits of lifting, just sayin.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    I do cardio a lot but with HITT . Love a 10% incline walk so do my leg and rear end muscles!
  • LuxHappens
    LuxHappens Posts: 72 Member
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    Well...I love my zumba and hiphop classes and I go to have fun...I like the feeling it gives me and I love dancing...I'm not going to stop because people say it's not the best way to burn fat. But I guess I'm not really expecting it to do much for me other than burn some calories.

    I feel the same way. Years ago I hated cardio and would only do my little 5 minute warm up before lifting. Today I cycle, walk, and run and I love it mainly for the stress release and the social aspect. The calorie burn is nice, too. I'll do yoga from time to time, but I guess my goals have just changed over the years. I'm not going to do anything that feels like work. For me, exercise is for fun and what I find fun now is cardio.
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    "A recent study found that it takes an average of 86 hours’ worth of aerobic exercise to lose 1kg [1],"

    The study cited is referring to this:

    - A total of 320 postmenopausal, sedentary, normal weight-to-obese women aged 50–74 years who were cancer-free, nondiabetic and nonhormone replacement therapy users were included in this study.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I like bunnies.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I actually do both. I love my zumba class and the calorie burn on the elliptical but I also lift heavy and love my squats as well. I don't think it has to be either or but I do think both types of exercise are important for men and women.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    While I don't think I'm quite at the point where I "punish myself" with cardio, I do a lot of cardio to "earn" food so I can eat more. I'm only little so my RDI is correspondingly little... it bums me out. However, I think the author's right in that this can start leading to negative associations with food and exercise. Have taken this into consideration.

    NOTE: I do also lift and have karate twice a week.
  • reinadelaisla
    While I am a strong advocate of balance, in training and in life, my opinion is:

    As long as you're exercising and you love whatever activity you do, then do it. Running, swimming, lifting weights, NO exercise routine is perfect or better than the other. Whether you're a "cardio bunny" or a "buffy the weight lifting slayer", we are all trying to be a little healthier, that's what counts to me. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, this.

    I personally enjoy both cardio and resistance. Cardio has helped me lower my blood pressure, keep my endurance up... I feel more energetic and happier after doing an elliptical workout or churning out five miles on the bike. Idk why, I just enjoy doing it.

    Resistance, for its part, has helped me tone up and re-introduced that lovely muscle burn in my arms and my legs (which, by the way, I also feel during cardio, so I think that whole "it doesn't do much for you" is BS -- burn means your muscles are WORKING). I feel like I need a balance of both in order to become as fit as I can be, especially since I have mainly belly fat and doing ab crunches without any cardio isn't exactly good for me to lose it.
  • Katieladie40
    I personally and honestly love cardio. i do weight lift. but cardio just makes me feel better.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Hey B! Thanks for posting this. I think that you know from hearing my story how I feel about cardio, lol.