Godsendlesslove Member


  • I am totally disappointed in myself guys, I'm still on level one. I've been sick the last two weeks of September and after recovering, I had training in Myrtle Beach for the last 3 days. So now I'm back and have to start all over again. But, I'm going to do it!
  • I went down two dress sizes. Yay me!
  • Still using the 3lbs, will eventually graduate to the 5lbs later. I don't want to push it too fast.
  • What motivates me is looking back at the weight that I've lost before starting 30D shred. Im anxious to see how 30D will perfect my form. Also, what motivate me is the feeling I get after eating; I feel like the food will just sit there and turn to fat if I don't get up and exercise .
  • I'm hanging in there. It's getting a little easier but I'm still on level one. I dare not look at level two yet. I'm going to stick with it though.
  • Hello everyone I just joined the group and have already been inspired by the testimonies. I started the 30 Day Shred on September 6th and to me.......it is NO joke. I wasn't able to go all the way through without stopping but I stayed with it until the end. I did do some of each excercise. But I'm not going to give up…
  • Thanks so much for being honest. You would be surprised on how many people would really beat themselves up because they fell off their diet for one day or one meal even. You look really great, keep up the good work and I'm sure even after you lose the 2 pounds that you have left, you will continue to keep it off. 2 thumbs…
  • You are a very beautiful person inside and out. Your life journey have been a rough one, but not without reward. It took a lot of courage to open yourself up like that and because of your experiences you've gained courage and strength. Keep up the great work that you're doing and thank you for sharing.
  • You go girl! I'm happy for you. You encouraged me to continue on and one day I'll be doing the dance.:bigsmile:
  • I know what you're going through, you can add me.
  • I understand where you're coming from, I just don't exactly know how to give you advice on fixing it. I guess the best I could come up with is to use his negativity as a stepping stool and boost yourself up to the goal you're trying to reach. His problem maybe that he's scared of losing you once you reach your goal. But,…