rgriner80 Member


  • Since returning to MFP, I've only lost a little over a pound and half in two weeks. I'm very upset about that since I gained those two pounds a lot quicker than that.
  • I'm also trying to lose more weight before getting pregnant. My husband and I have been TTC off/on again for a while. We're seriously TTC this summer but I'd like to get about 30 more pounds off first. I'm down nearly 20 now. Please feel free to send a friend request. :-)
  • I'm pretty much the same as everyone else: daily, in the morning, after I pee, and naked.
  • Hi ladies! I'm 24 pounds down with 50 to go... I am 32, married, no kids, and also from a small town. Looking for motivation and support as I haven't been progressing much lately. :(
  • SW: 209.8 CW: 189.4 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 179 UGW: 135 Weigh in Dates: 10/1 - about the same as I am now 10/8 - 10/15 10/22 10/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: Given that this is October with the fun event called Halloween, what is the spookiest, eeriest, most frightening or just plain bizzare thing that has…