Some people are just plain mean. Just know that what you're doing is sooo great for yourself, and really I'm jealous because I can't even speed walk 2 hours more or less run. Put some head phones in, whether music is on or not really, or just make it look like your listening to music. People are less likely to sneer at you…
I get it a lot too... I just ignore it :/ A lot of people don't know what "healthy" looks like. And no one knows what it's like to be me, that's for sure, so when someone tells me I need to lose more weight or I don't need to lose anymore weight, it just goes through one ear and out the other for the most part. I just try…
Some people have to eat that much to lose weight. :/ I have to eat 1200-1300 calories a day in order to lose weight, if I eat more i start to gain. It's because of my size/height (I'm 4'10"). I know this for a fact, because over the past year I've paid close attention to my body. Anyway, You can add me as a friend if you'd…
If I won the lottery... Mine and my boyfriend's college would be paid for. We'd buy a house, with land. It would have solar power. I'd set up a NICE greenhouse. I'd buy all the kitchen items I've been wanting. I'd buy a tattoo gun. I'd buy my boyfriend a few things he wants. And with the rest, I'm sure we'll have enough to…
Fruit really helps me when I have cravings for sweet things. I recommend peaches and watermelon especially, because they're super sweet and very filling.
Moderation is key. You can still eat the good stuff, just moderate it. If you know you're going out, and have an idea of what you're going to eat, figure the calories and stuff before. If you have no idea what you're going to be eating, then take very small portions. If you're going to a restaurant, ask for a to-go box at…
4-5 times a day is definitely obsessive, and the fluctuations are normal throughout the day. Even every day is kind of abnormal, but what I do is weigh myself in the morning (if I forget in the morning, then later in the day when I remember I wait until my stomach growls and then weigh myself) and then at the end of the…
Wow! Good job! Thank you for posting, this is definitely an inspiration :)
I am by no means an expert, but I've read an article that says that your intake should only increase by a couple/few hundred calories. So basically, just an extra meal. But I've never been pregnant, so I don't know. I think this is a sensitive topic and should be talked about with your doctor, to be honest. Congrats! :)
Just to clarify: Yeah, I get that it's aimed towards people of all faiths. I get that. What I did not get is how you can just pass the trouble on to something else, especially a higher being, because I'm a firm believer in that we are responsible for ourselves. However, someone messaged me, and it clicked. The addiction is…
I have no list to contribute, but thanks for the laugh! I needed it :) lol
Yay! Looking good :D
You're very welcome :) Let me know if you need any more advice :)
I take multivitamins to make sure that I'm getting the right nutrients, because I know that every day I don't get enough of the food groups. If the vitamins are making you sick - switch brands. I would also suggest doing a bit of research, because ingesting too much of a specific vitamin/mineral, or ingesting on an empty…
edit: This was supposed to be a reply to someone else's comment, not the whole thread... not sure what happened but it won't let me delete it go I guess ignore it, sorry!
I don't think you're looking at this at the right point of view. You can still eat healthy on a budget. I've done it and I'm still doing it. However, if you're use to spending so much and you have to cut back, there will always be things you have to give up. My boyfriend and I live on about 80-100 a month for food because…
I don't think that any diet that is extreme like that is a good diet. When trying to lose weight, and keep it off, the diet chosen should be for the long term, because if it's short term chances are the weight will spring back on. With my diet, I've made subtle changes that are leading up to a "goal diet" that, once I'm…
I weigh myself everyday but do an average at the end of the week, it keeps me motivated and the average helps me realistically see my weight loss. I don't record my weight daily here, but I do record my weekly average.
I stumbled upon this the other day: I'm taking these as ideas though, because I know that a lot of these have healthier alternative ingredients to them.
This has definitely happened to me, I lost all the weight I wanted to and then I gained all of it back. I started my journey to lose it all again in January, and I'm about half way to where I want to be again. I'm not sure what your diet is like, but with me the reason I gained all my weight back was because my diet wasn't…
If you guys want to stay together, I suggest counseling because you're both in the wrong.
i usually sip on tea if I'm running out of calories to eat, or just in the morning in general. It's soothing, and there's no guilt associated with it, and no thought process that has to take place before I drink it. It just kinda winds me down really.
I make my own dressing. I make "homemade" yogurt with whole milk, and when it's strained through a coffee filter it thickens it into a ranch dressing type of dip. I add seasoning, and then it's ready to be eaten with veggies and stuff :) I like it a lot better than store bought, and I find myself using a lot less than…
Uh.... That's odd. Maybe she's jealous? That's kind of what it sounds like. :/ She sounds jealous of your self control, and ability to diet. Either she's trying to bring you back down to her "level" so that she can feel better, or she's trying to rise to your "level" by saying crap. Even if she doesn't have bad intentions,…
If you're really small like I am (I'm 4 feet and 10 inches tall), then yes. But you can't go under 1200 calories. If you're taller than me, then I wouldn't advise it. I actually don't even eat just 1200 calories a day, I usually eat 1300 and I'm still losing weight at a consistent rate of 1lb a week, which is healthy. I…
When I run out at midday, I drink lots and lots of water or tea. Diet soda helps me, but I wouldn't recommend it because it's not the healthiest. If later on in the evening my stomach is really growling and I've already blown all my calories, and water or tea isn't making it any better, I find some fulfilling veggies to…
It finally hit me to start dieting again when I hit almost 160lbs - again. When I was in junior high, I was around 170lbs, which is obese for my height. Slowly but surely I lost the weight and was down in the 130's by my junior year of high school. Then I slacked off, and started gaining weight again. I was concerned when…
Thank you for the inspiration :D
What motivates me is... When I look in the mirror, I'm disgusted. When I'm with my boyfriend, I feel like he shouldn't touch me because I'm disgusting. I feel disgusting on the inside, because I'm not healthy. Having control of myself. Where do I see myself on my wedding day? In five years? In front of my kids? - not fat.…