

  • Thanks everyone!! Good luck to us all!! :happy:
  • You look great!! Amazing job!! :)
  • I fell behind because of my knees but I'm back at it and just finished Day 8 of level 1. I was pretty close to skipping the day b/c I was tired and lets face it a little lazy. I got up and it though and I'm FINALLY noticing a difference in my endurance. Side lunges and the bicycle crunches still kill me though. Just…
  • I took 2 rest days because my knees were not in any condition to doing anything yesterday either!! Got day 7 done today though!! :smile:
  • I had to skip day 7 as well. My knees were KILLING me!! I must have done something wrong on day 6 because even bending my knees to sit down on the couch was painful. I didn't think it was the best idea to workout today. However, I feel horrible skipping a day, should I have worked through the pain?? :ohwell:
  • I almost gave up on day 5, not because I couldn't physically do it, but because the video kept freezing. I almost threw my TV, Wii, and wireless router out of the window!! I finally decided to try the video on my smartphone. I was able to do it but all the starting and stopping I did before kind of made it a bit tough for…
  • The wifi disaster that is my Day 5!! I am quite literally in the middle of my day 5 workout, but the video keeps freezing!! Damn it YouTube and crappy cable company wifi!! I start a circuit and then it stops. Now I don't know if I should start over or pick up where I left off. So frustrating!!
  • My 3 year old niece loves to do the workout with me. It's the cutest thing! Definitely wish I had that much energy!! Did day 4 yesterday and to be honest I'm dreading day 5 today. Haha!!
  • Hey ladies! I'm definitely less sore...I'm not sure if it's because my body is getting stronger or I'm not pushing hard enough. I'm still struggling through the workout and taking lots of breaks. I wish I could push through but I just can't yet. Hopefully by day 7 I'll be singing a different tune! Stay strong ladies! We…
  • Just finished my day 2 workout. Still struggled through the workout but I took breaks a little less often (I think :huh: ). I just have to keep reminding myself that it'll get easier as long as I stick with it.
  • Yeah I guess you're right. I just felt guilty skipping the gym since I don't really feel that bad. I wouldn't want to be working out next to a coughing germy person if I wasn't sick. I'll do a little something at home if I feel up for it. Thanks for the input!! :)
  • It really shocks me how many women have PCOS! I'm a fellow cyster. I always attributed my huge weight gain to my poor eating habits (yeah it definitely didn't help) but in 2007 I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was put on Metformin and it made me soo sick!! I stopped taking it after a week. I've cut out soda, I'm trying to…
  • Partly b/c I have PCOS but mostly b/c I'm a carb addict. I love bread, pizza, and pasta. I could probably live off of bagels with cream cheese if you let me. Also, I love anything fried, I'd eat a boot if it was fried. :laugh:
  • I'm new too!! Welcome and feel free to add me!! :happy:
  • Hey guys I'm new here too! I'm actually MariRosa79 little sister and we're on this journey together. :happy: We are both missing the self-disciple gene, so we both need all the support and tips we can get! :laugh:
  • My most recent embarrassing fat moment happened this April. I went to Louisiana for my friend's wedding and I was staying with his sister. While playing with her granddaughter on the floor the little girls says, in front of everyone, "Don't lay down like that, you'll hurt the baby in your tummy!" I was mortified!! I have…