

  • I just heard about Alicia's book and really want to read it! I take it is was good...I have been veggie for over 15 yrs but I am going Vegan...I would love all the assistance I can get! But I am doing it for humane reasons as I am a Animal/Human rights activist....I love animals so I have to give up the dairy for the…
  • I make myself a regular BLT....Only difference is I use veggie bacon ( which I looove!!!!) try it if you haven't already!
  • Also I am active in Human Rights.....Having a Veggie or Vegan diet is extremly healthy and GREAT for the enviroment!
  • Hi there! I have been a veggie for over 15 years....I love it...I do fulltime animal rescue/rights work... I would LOOOVE to talk to you about how this came to be.... I am now in the process of going Vegan...for Moral reasons and dietary reasons... Today it is so easy to have a veggie lifestyle...there are so many faux…