

  • How much would you recommend lifting? big weights scare me! My main aim is to tone but I just want to get a teeny bit smaller first. I am going to be changing my goals to 1/2lb a week after I drop a few more pounds :)
  • I do cardio 4 times a week and 'lift' 3 times a week. I say 'lift' because 3kg is pretty poor, ha. I guess I need to work on this. Thanks for the input!
  • Thanks guys, I have noticed a little more definition in my body but I just expected to lose weight too...I will start measuring from now because I haven't been doing so.
  • I really enjoyed the 30DS it gave me the motivation to work out everyday and improved my strength. I didn't lose a huge amount of weight but I think I definitely look more toned, ripped in 30 is also great, I've just started that now :) You don't have to spend a fortune to get great results, good luck!