

  • I think two weeks for me. I guess the first bit is going to be tough. If you are a person that never exercised before, then I would say expect a month to a month and a half. The first bit you are going to be building muscles on limbs you may not have used in a while. I did that my first week. I walked and cycled lots…
  • For me it was a combination of several things: 1) Hitting the 15 stone barrier 2) Going to a nudist beach and being ashamed of my body, the same at the swimming pool or cycling topless 3) A friend finding this site, and basically finding a way of dieting without having to cut out chips, chocolate and nice stuff lol. All…
  • Well if you have set your details on this site to take off 500 calories a day, then you should lose weight on that on it's own, so long as you input ALL your foods at the right amounts, and don't go into the red. Personally I do this, but in addition I also aim to put 3500 calories in the bank each week to lose that second…
  • I have no meal plan what so ever, and eat what I like from what I term my allowed food groups. If I get a taste for something or an urge then I will think about and aim for that meal, but most of the time I walk into the kitchen with a "what shall I have" thought. Large meals such as a carvery, fish and chips,…
  • Well, 400lbs is a lot to be sure, but I have found that the more you weigh the faster it comes off. I am halfway through losing my allotted weight, and the first half came off in 2lbs a week basis, but now I am having to work much harder to get the rest off, and of course winter is approaching,and bad weather mostly here.…
  • Being happy with a girl I think is good enough to know who you are, and titles, well you don't really need one unless you are on the hunting ground, and even then it just makes it easier for others to know what you're after rather than a form of self identification. Hope the weight loss is going well. Gay male here willing…
  • Pepsi (diet these days), although Lemon and lime is great, and I have a thing for Strawberry milkshakes too.