M08distel Member


  • I am curious as to why your protein needs to be so high. Have you had a gastric bypass? Anyway, if you can handle non fat dry milk, 1/3 cup has 8 grams of protein and it can be added to anything that you would put milk in. Just follow the recipe but then add an extra 1/3 cup dry milk to gain the extra protein.
  • It looks like everybody has covered the usual causes. I do agree with the one comment about muscle mass. It is very possible that you are now gaining muscle and that is wat is causing the weight gain. It will even it'self out soon. Just relax and keep doing what you have been. The bigger questions should be how do you feel…
  • That is awesome. I hoped I wasn't the only person that has happened to. It is just hard to wrap your mind around that situation. Great job!
  • I am so glad to find this group! It has been nearly 2 years since I had my gastric bypass and it has been a roller coaster ride at times. I was on some medication for another issue and gained 20 #. I have since come off the medication but am trying like crazy to get back to where I was. I still have about 10 # to get back…
  • It could be a number of things from catching a bug to something out of balance. If your calories are up there what are the proportions? Are you balanced enough? If you keep feeling bad a trip to the doctor would be a wise idea. Have you had your blood sugar checked recently? That could also be a problem. Start by looking…
  • I uploaded a picture of me before I started my weight loss journey. I just don't know how to post it here. What I can tell you is go to my page and look at my pictures. I'm sure you can figure it out.. When I saw it, I sat down & cried. I gave myself a nickname at that time wrote it across the top of the picture with the…
  • Definitely don't cry! You were brave enough to take a full length picture of yourself. That is more than I would do. I have one where we were taking family photos back in 2009 that I keep on the fridge just to remind myself where I was. I will try to copy & post but it is one of the most humiliating photos of me ever taken.
  • I try to stay below my caloric goal for each day simply because I have had a gastric bypass and really cannot eat as much as the site suggests. I do try to stay at least 1000 calories a day, but sometimes for me that is pushing it. Then occasionally, I do go over but it isn't about quantity of food just calories. Still a…
  • I am finding that it is better for me to pre log. It helps me to focus on eating the right things but lets me get away from obsessing about the food I eat. I try to plan a week's work of meals because I live alone and it is easier for me to cook 1 or 2 times a week and then package what I have made.
  • Okay, I've looked at all the Zumba on DVD and can find nothing about Zumba Gold. Is this something that is only offered in the gym? I can't really afford another expense at the moment, maybe by the end of the year but I was really wanting to find something now that I could do at home.
    in Zumba Comment by M08distel August 2012
  • Hello, I noticed your topic & even though I am not 50 (actually 60) I was wondering if I could join your group. I have been on MFP for 1 week now and would really like to make some friends who also understand the other changes that come with age.
  • Thank you to all of you for the replies. I have wanted to try Zumba for some time but my daughter who does Zumba was very discouraging with me about it. I think she was just genuinely concerned about doing more harm to my knees but I still want to at least try it.
    in Zumba Comment by M08distel August 2012
  • You're right about that. I'm always wondering what they saw me as before losing weight or did they even see me at all? I make sure the topic doesn't stay on my weight for more than a couple of minutes. That is when you find out how shallow some people are. True friends will get the hint.
  • It is awesome when someone works hard to lose weight for the right reasons. A lot of us have mindsets about the way we see ourselves. I have lost over 100 pounds since my surgery but I gained back about 20 due to a variety of setbacks. I still see myself the way I did when i weighed 309. I know in my mind that I really do…