

  • I guess it is pretty close to what the program says for circuit training. I just feel so sweaty and winded I was sure I burned more than that lol lol. I like power 90 too. I am just starting out but I am thinking about doing two a days. The fast one in the morning and than the sculpt/cardio in the evenings.
  • I am going to move through the whole series! I figure a year from now I better show some big changes lol. After Power 90 there is Power Master 90 than P90x than insanity!!
  • My 10 year old has an iphone. Actually she had it when she was 9 and she had a cell phone since she was 4. I worked for a cell phone company! Her plan was 10.00 a month but I liked that she knew how to contact me if she needed to. Parents need to worry about raising their own children before they comment on someone elses!
  • That's how I do it. I would rather spend my calories on something else:)
  • I'm hoping! I always drink a lot of water but I never realized how much water I drink until I put it n a different cup. I have drank 120 ounces of water so far today. I am still hungry within an hour and fifteen minutes of the last time I ate. I am going to the bathroom a lot so hopefully toxins are being flushed out!
  • I thought about this post and I decided to Google Folding Laundry. These are the calories burned for 120 pound person folding and putting away laundry. Keep in mind that if you weigh less you burn less calories. A 120 lb. person folding laundry for 20 minutes while standing burns 38 calories. Putting your family's laundry…
  • Is this at once or throughout the day? I am thinking about doing the fat express workout that came with the Power 90 series in the morning and than the regular Power 90 in the evening. It would be about an hour a day.
  • I don't mind being added either:) I like seeing the posts on my feed it is very encouraging!
  • Lol Lol I am still on stage one I am not going to move up until I can hit the reps in all of them!
  • Sounds yummy! Who makes 35 calorie bread?
  • So do I just keep eating like I normally would and ignore the protein amounts? How do I know if I am eating to much protein?
  • I didn't set those goals. The program set them for me. I just set my goal weight. I was playing around with the features and I noticed they were there.
  • I am not sure what to do, but it reminds me of something I saw on Dr. Phil today. I woman had lost 160 pounds but she still had layers of hanging skin. How can we guarantee that doesn't happen when we begin a weight loss journey?
  • This is really going to contradict my previous posts about the eggos and cereal but because I am pre-diabetic I can't have fruit in the morning! Luckily I had the carbs towards the end of my day because I would have been sick if I would have cheated earlier! I miss fruits in the morning though, I used to love fruits with…
  • That said that my calories should be 1928! Is that before or after my exercise? I am sorry that I sound like an idiot. This is all so new to me!
  • LOL the eggos and cereal was after I had one bowl of raisin bran, then I had yogurt with a scoop of protein powder, than two hours later I had one fish filet (non breaded) and a can of green beans. I was starving!! Then I opened the freezer and saw my girls Eggos! I was only going to have two, and then I was still famished…