Fit_Mom81 Member


  • I'm also trying to lose weight while breastfeeding. I have 8 lbs to go til I'm at pre-pregnancy weight. I have a 2.5 month old. I've had three kiddos in for years, and two of those were c-sections exactly 2 years and one week apart. It would just help to have motivation from other moms in the same boat.
  • Hi all. I'm a mom of three girls ages 4, 2 and 2 months old. I work part time in a stressful job, have a spouse that works nights, take care of the kids, hubs and the house and find it very difficult to find time to work out-- especially during the week. I've been eating healthier and fitting in workouts where I can. I'd…
  • I did Insanity a couple of years ago. The workouts were very challenging and kind of fun. However, my knees couldn't take all of the jumping. It's definitely not a workout for anyone with knee or ankle issues!
  • I'm breastfeeding my third baby who is almost 11 weeks old, and I'm finding it much harder to lose weight this time around than with my first two. Idk if it's because of breastfeeding, or if it's my age, diet, etc. I'm changing my diet a little so we'll see!
  • Thanks to you both for your responses. The One seems to have gotten better reviews than the Flex. I saw that you can purchase the bands separately-- will the One attach to the band? Do both offer the Fitbit challenges or is that something you get online? I'm
  • Congratulations to you on all of your successes! You have got to be a very strong person to have overcome all of that. You are an inspiration! :)
  • Hi! Congratulations to you on starting this new program with your busy life-- it's tough but definitely doable!! I have an eight month old, work part time, go to grad school full time, and also have a hubby that is naturally thin and eats whatever he wants/never exercises.. The most important thing to remember is this: You…